


At this time (September 2020) our school is over-subscribed and full.
We will not be admitting children, from either within, or beyond, our catchment area during the school year 2020/21.
It is hoped that building work in Summer 2021 will resolve our current "overcrowding" issues and that we will once again be able to welcome the children of any parents who think that our school will provide the best environment for learning and development in the widest sense.


The above will not have a bearing on admissions to Reception in September 2021, which will follow our normal timetable and process.

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 



Academy Admissions


Bradworthy Primary Academy is a non-maintained school, however we are not a private school and all of our children benefit from a high quality educational experience for which there is no charge.


We strive to ensure that our school offers our children, and their parents, the sort of educational experience that everyone deserves.

Where parents believe that Bradworthy Academy is the best school for their children we will undertake to try and admit their children; wherever they may be living.


Our ethos is key in explaining what we aim to do and how we operate and can be downloaded by clicking here.

Bradworthy Primary Academy is not a local authority school so please contact us straight away if you are considering enrolling your child or children, or would simply like to have a look around because you are thinking about this.
You can ring our office and speak with Rose on 01409 241365, or e-mail us at


We recommend that you get in touch as soon as you possibly can, especially if your child is very young and isn't old enough to start school yet.

The Academy has a Published Admission Number of 30 for each age group.


It is preferable to admit new children to the school at the beginning of a term, or half term, however requests will be considered at any time.


If a Year Group is full we will apply this admission criteria which gives priority as follows:


1. Looked After Children or previously Looked After Children who were immediately adopted or made the subject of a child arrangements order or a special guardianship order.


2. Children for whom an exceptional medical or social need to attend this school is demonstrated.


3. Children who live in our designated area, with a sibling on roll at the point of application.


4. Other children who live in our designated area.


5.Children who live outside our designated area, with a sibling on roll at the point of application.


6.Children of members of staff employed for more than two years up to the point of application or recruited within the past two years to fill a vacancy for which there was a skills shortage.


7.Other children.



Parents are asked to ring to make an appointment to see the Headteacher in order to discuss their child’s admission to the school, and to look round (with or without their child) prior to the child being admitted.
No children are admitted until personal contact has been made.


Where a child has a statement of special educational need and the Academy is the named institution the child will be guaranteed a place.



Starting School in Reception

Our normal point of entry is our Reception Class which children will normally enter in the September before their 5th birthday; regardless of where this birthday falls.


It is recognised that children develop at very different rates and where younger children are concerned admission can be on a full time, or part time basis or can be differed.


The school operates and induction programme for children of this ages, however please feel free to get in touch so that we can discuss your child and their needs and make appropriate plans for admission.


Whenever your child or children start at our school the following is very important:

We will always respect and take account of your views, however in accepting an offer of admission parents are confirming that they agree to follow school policies and practices and that they will endeavour to support them wherever possible, especially where this relates to areas such as pastoral care and discipline, curriculum, attendance and uniform.


We have a Home - School Agreement which is provided as part of a booklet which also explains key aspects of school policy and gathers important information about children.

Please contact us in school if you are considering applying for a place so that we can support you.

Application forms can be obtained via the following link, where you can also view the Local Authorities policies and schemes -


The link for online applications for primary admission and secondary transfer is


The Local Education Authority opens applications for transfer to Secondary Schools in September and the process remains open until October.
Primary admissions are open from November to January.
Please check online for specific dates.



If you wish to apply for a place outside of these dates please feel free to contact us in school.
