Welcome to Class Five's Notices / Homework page
This is the page where we will try our best to keep you updated with information about homework, notices, weekly spellings, etc!
If you have any questions or want to get in touch about anything, you are more than welcome to email me at class5@bradworthy.devon.sch.uk and I will get back to you as soon as I can!
2023 - 24 Academic Year
Weekly Spellings - Friday 20th September 2024
Similar to Class 4 last year, the children have been split into different spelling groups for their weekly spellings. Today, the children have copied their group's weekly spellings into this week's spelling section in their Reading Record.
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 26th September. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 |
badge | mouth | ambitious |
edge | found | infectious |
bridge | ouch | fictitious |
dodge | trout | nutritious |
fudge | proud | repetitious |
ridge | sound | amphibious |
smudge | around | curious |
judge | sprout | devious |
wedge | spout | notorious |
lodge | hound | obvious |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 1st December 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 7th December. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - there are no timestables / divisions assignments this week! Please make sure you complete the required number of games for each assignment.
Please can you also have a look at your song words for the KS2 play. Reading these CAN count towards your reading signatures!
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 |
pencil | forgetting | comfortably |
fossil | forgotten | dependably |
nostril | beginning | horribly |
pupil | propelled | incredibly |
April | preferred | legibly |
gerbil | permitted | possibly |
lentil | regretting | reliably |
evil | committed | sensibly |
anvil | forbidden | terribly |
basil | equipped | visibly |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 24th November 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 30th November. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - there are no timestables / divisions assignments this week! Please make sure you complete the required number of games for each assignment.
Please can you also have a look at your song words for the KS2 play. Reading these CAN count towards your reading signatures!
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 |
metal | developing | comfortable |
petal | developed | dependable |
capital | limiting | enjoyable |
hospital | limited | horrible |
animal | covering | incredible |
equal | covered | possible |
final | gardening | reasonable |
pedal | gardener | reliable |
local | listening | terrible |
magical | listened | understandable |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 17th November 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 23rd November. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - there are no timestables / divisions assignments this week! Please make sure you complete the required number of games for each assignment.
Please can you also have a look at your song words for the KS2 play. Reading these CAN count towards your reading signatures!
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 |
camel | mistake | competence |
tunnel | mislead | confidence |
jewel | misbehave | decent |
travel | misspell | eloquence |
tinsel | misplace | emergent |
squirrel | misread | frequent |
hazel | mistrust | innocence |
vowel | misunderstanding | intelligence |
angel | misuse | transparent |
towel | mislaid | violent |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 10th November 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 16th November. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Please make sure you complete the required number of games for each assignment.
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 |
table | disappoint | abundance |
apple | disobey | brilliance |
bottle | disappear | abundancy |
little | disapprove | extravagance |
middle | disable | dominancy |
bubble | dislike | elegance |
cable | dislocate | hesitancy |
uncle | disadvantage | relevancy |
ankle | dislodge | tolerance |
eagle | disagree | vacancy |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 3rd November 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 9th November. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Please make sure you complete the required number of games for each assignment.
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 |
write | redo | abundant |
wriggle | return | brilliant |
wrap | refresh | constant |
wrestle | redecorate | distant |
written | reappear | dominant |
wrecked | review | elegant |
wrapped | replay | fragrant |
wren | reaction | ignorant |
wrong | rebound | tolerant |
wrote | revenge | vacant |
Art materials for African masks (Simon)
Simon has asked me to remind everyone to bring in the materials they would like to use for this term's African masks art project. He has talked to the children about this before half-term so they should have an idea of the sorts of materials that would be suitable.
If you have any questions, please ask Simon when we are back in school after the half-term break.
Homework - Planet Research
Due: Friday 3rd November 2023
Weekly Spellings - Friday 20th October 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 2nd November. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Please make sure you complete the required number of games for each assignment.
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 |
door | actual | appreciate |
floor | answer | cemetery |
poor | bicycle | conscious |
because | circle | convenience |
find | earth | environment |
kind | enough | immediately |
mind | fruit | language |
behind | island | sufficient |
child | often | thorough |
children | popular | vegetable |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 13th October 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 19th September. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Please make sure you complete the required number of games for each assignment.
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 |
knock | creature | financial |
know | furniture | commercial |
knee | picture | provincial |
knit | nature | initial |
knew | adventure | spatial |
knight | capture | palatial |
gnome | future | controversial |
kneel | sculpture | initially |
gnat | fracture | controversially |
gnaw | mixture | financially |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 6th October 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 12th September. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Please make sure you complete the required number of games for each assignment.
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 |
race | measure | potential |
ice | treasure | essential |
cell | pleasure | substantial |
city | enclosure | influential |
fancy | pressure | residential |
lace | composure | confidential |
space | leisure | preferential |
circle | exposure | torrential |
circus | closure | circumstantial |
rice | disclosure | impartial |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 29th September 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 5th September. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Please make sure you complete the required number of games for each assignment.
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 |
gem | gym | official |
gym | myth | special |
giant | Egypt | artificial |
magic | pyramid | crucial |
giraffe | mystery | judicial |
energy | symbol | beneficial |
digit | synonym | facial |
engine | lyrics | glacial |
religion | system | especially |
gentle | gymnastics | multiracial |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 22nd September 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 28th September. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Please make sure you complete the required number of games for each assignment.
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 |
change | touch | delicious |
charge | double | atrocious |
range | country | conscious |
orange | trouble | ferocious |
hinge | young | gracious |
strange | cousin | luscious |
dungeon | enough | malicious |
sponge | couple | precious |
pigeon | encourage | spacious |
fringe | flourish | suspicious |
French Quizlets (for practice) - September 2023
Below are a few links to some online French quizzes (on Quizlet), that Madame Price has created for you to practise the skills you will be learning in class if you wish.
https://quizlet.com/_aicfnp?x=1jqt&i=426el4 - Introductions
https://quizlet.com/_aichh7?x=1jqt&i=426el4 - Tier 2 vocabulary
https://quizlet.com/_aicez1?x=1jqt&i=426el4 - Classroom instructions
Weekly Spellings - Friday 15th September 2023
Similar to Class 4 last year, the children have been split into different spelling groups for their weekly spellings. Today, the children have been given a printed list of their group's weekly spellings, which they have stuck inside their Home-School books.
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 21st September. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 |
badge | mouth | ambitious |
edge | found | infectious |
bridge | ouch | fictitious |
dodge | trout | nutritious |
fudge | proud | repetitious |
ridge | sound | amphibious |
smudge | around | curious |
judge | sprout | devious |
wedge | spout | notorious |
lodge | hound | obvious |
2022 - 23 Academic Year
Weekly Spellings - Friday 5th May 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 11th May. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
grate | advice |
great | advise |
groan | device |
grown | devise |
main | licence |
mane | license |
meat | practice |
meet | practise |
missed | prophecy |
mist | prophesy |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 28th April 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 4th May. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
ball | aisle |
bawl | isle |
berry | aloud |
bury | allowed |
brake | altar |
break | alter |
fair | ascent |
fare | assent |
farther | |
male | father |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 21st April 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 27th April. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
teacher | though |
catcher | although |
stretcher | dough |
watcher | doughnut |
dispatcher | rough |
richer | tough |
preacher | enough |
cruncher | toughen |
scorcher | plough |
butcher | bough |
Homework - Easter Break
The children have been set an English-based homework task (which they should all be aware of!), linking to the myths we are working on in class. They need to write a particular section of their myth: from the moment their character sees their mythical creature for the first time to when they have managed to defeat the creature.
They can choose to either:
In their writing, the children should try to include the different grammar elements that we have looked at in class, including the following:
This task will last for the next few weeks (over the Easter break) and is due in on Thursday 20th April. We will be working on the other sections of their myths in class after the Easter break.
Weekly Spellings - Friday 31st March 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested after the Easter break on Thursday 20th April. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these. Three addition / subtraction assignments have also been set on EdShed - please complete at least 10 games in total across these 3 assignments, which need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
actual | accompany |
answer | communicate |
bicycle | conscience |
circle | desperate |
earth | disastrous |
enough | interfere |
fruit | nuisance |
island | queue |
often | restaurant |
popular | rhythm |
Letter - Friday 3rd March 2023
A letter has gone home today detailing arrangements for Class Five's upcoming trip to Paignton Zoo on Wednesday 15th March. Please can you complete the form and return it to school. If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Here's a copy of the letter in case you need it!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 3rd March 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 9th March. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
battle | doubt |
article | island |
struggle | lamb |
possible | solemn |
capable | thistle |
settle | autumn |
humble | build |
terrible | receipt |
example | ascends |
adjustable | disciple |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 24th February 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 2nd February. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
arrival | knight |
burial | wreckage |
comical | writer |
emotional | knowledge |
national | knuckle |
magical | wreath |
personal | pterodactyl |
optional | mnemonic |
survival | wrestler |
tropical | knife |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 10th February 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested after the half-term break on Thursday 23rd February. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
build | amateur |
describe | ancient |
imagine | awkward |
library | criticise |
natural | excellent |
ordinary | foreign |
promise | pronunciation |
recent | symbol |
suppose | yacht |
weight | equipment |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 27th January 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 2nd February. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
straight | changeable |
painter | noticeable |
fainted | manageable |
waist | agreeable |
strainer | knowledgeable |
chained | replaceable |
claimed | microwaveable |
failure | salvageable |
snail | rechargeable |
waiter | irreplaceable |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 20th January 2023
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 26th January. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
calmly | reliably |
exactly | dependably |
deadly | comfortably |
bravely | possibly |
boldly | horribly |
gladly | terribly |
deeply | visibly |
clearly | incredibly |
hourly | sensibly |
quickly | legibly |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 16th December 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested after the Christmas break on Thursday 12th January. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
centre | accommodate |
decide | available |
disappear | controversy |
early | dictionary |
heart | marvellous |
learn | opportunity |
minute | secretary |
notice | sincerely |
regular | suggest |
therefore | twelfth |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 25th November 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 1st December. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
gardening | dependable |
limited | comfortable |
limiting | understandable |
developing | reasonable |
developed | enjoyable |
listening | reliable |
listened | possible |
covered | horrible |
covering | terrible |
gardener | incredible |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 18th November 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 24th November. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
misbehave | innocence |
mislead | decent |
misspell | frequent |
mistake | emergent |
misplace | confidence |
misread | competence |
mistrust | transparent |
misunderstanding | eloquence |
misuse | violent |
mislaid | intelligence |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 11th November 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 17th November. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
disappoint | abundance |
disagree | brilliance |
disobey | elegance |
disable | extravagance |
dislike | tolerance |
dislocate | hesitancy |
disappear | relevancy |
disadvantage | vacancy |
disapprove | dominancy |
dislodge | abundancy |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 4th November 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 10th November. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
redo | abundant |
refresh | brilliant |
return | constant |
reappear | distant |
redecorate | dominant |
revenge | elegant |
review | fragrant |
replay | ignorant |
reaction | tolerant |
rebound | vacant |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 28th October 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested after the half-term break on Thursday 4th November. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Friday.
Yellow | Pink |
creature | appreciate |
any | cemetery |
many | conscious |
clothes | convenience |
busy | environment |
people | immediately |
water | language |
again | sufficient |
half | thorough |
hour | vegetable |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 14th October 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 20th October. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
creature | financial |
furniture | commercial |
picture | provincial |
nature | initial |
adventure | spatial |
capture | palatial |
future | controversial |
sculpture | initially |
fracture | controversially |
mixture | financially |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 7th October 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 13th October. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
pleasure | confidential |
enclosure | influential |
leisure | residential |
treasure | circumstantial |
measure | torrential |
closure | impartial |
composure | preferential |
pressure | potential |
disclosure | essential |
exposure | substantial |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 30th September 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 6th October. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
gym | official |
myth | special |
Egypt | artificial |
pyramid | crucial |
mystery | judicial |
symbol | beneficial |
synonym | facial |
lyrics | glacial |
system | especially |
gymnastics | multiracial |
French Quizlets (for practice) - September 2022
Below are a few links to some online French quizzes (on Quizlet), that Madame Price has created for you to practise the skills you will be learning in class.
There is also a document below with a number of French challenges for you to have a look at if you would like.
https://quizlet.com/_aicfnp?x=1jqt&i=426el4 - Introductions
https://quizlet.com/_aichh7?x=1jqt&i=426el4 - Tier 2 vocabulary
https://quizlet.com/_aicez1?x=1jqt&i=426el4 - Classroom instructions
Letter - Monday 26th September 2022
A 'Class 5 Start of Year' letter has gone home today, which tells you about some of the class routines and will hopefully answer some questions about reading records, homework, etc.
Here's a copy of the letter in case you need it!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 23rd September 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 29th September. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too! Both of these assignments need to be completed by 9am Thursday.
Yellow | Pink |
touch | delicious |
double | atrocious |
country | conscious |
trouble | ferocious |
young | gracious |
cousin | luscious |
enough | malicious |
couple | precious |
encourage | spacious |
flourish | suspicious |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 16th September 2022
Similar to Class 4 last year, the children have been split into different spelling groups for their weekly spellings: Yellow and Pink. Today, the children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their Home-School books.
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 22nd September. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
Yellow | Pink |
mouth | ambitious |
around | infectious |
sprout | fictitious |
sound | nutritious |
spout | repetitious |
ouch | amphibious |
hound | curious |
trout | devious |
found | notorious |
proud | obvious |
Letter - Friday 9th September 2022
A 'Class 5 Swimming Lessons' letter has also been sent home today. Our swimming weeks are the 9th September and 26th September.
Here's a copy of the letter in case you need it!
2021 - 22 Academic Year
Weekly Spellings - Friday 1st April 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 7th April. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books. All of the groups have homophones this week. These are pairs of words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings!
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too.
Blue | Green | Purple |
ball | advice | there |
bawl | advise | their |
berry | device | here |
bury | devise | hear |
brake | licence | see |
break | license | sea |
fair | practice | too |
fare | practise | two |
prophecy | blew | |
male | prophesy | blue |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 25th March 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 31st March. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
Blue | Green | Purple |
gently | though | day |
duly | although | play |
publicly | dough | may |
daily | doughnut | say |
slyly | rough | stray |
shyly | tough | clay |
fully | enough | spray |
wholly | plough | tray |
coyly | bough | crayon |
happily | toughen | delay |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 18th March 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 18th March. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books. Purple group's focus this week is recapping the sounds and rules they have been learning so far. Hopefully, they'll be able to spell a lot of these words without needing to practise. They will be only be tested on 10 of these words.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
Blue | Green | Purple | |
basically | bought | cheep | tooth |
frantically | fought | chair | sharp |
dramatically | thought | torch | looking |
historically | ought | sheet | harsh |
nationally | sought | waiter | poach |
emotionally | nought | orchard | powder |
accidentally | brought | thing | short |
automatically | wrought | arch | shoal |
traditionally | afterthought | north | lightning |
specifically | thoughtfulness |
Mount Everest interactive online map!
Home-Learning - March 2022 - updated 18/03/22
As I'm sure you are all aware, we currently have a number of covid cases across school, including a few in our class.
I will upload some work/activities to this page throughout the week for those children who are off school but feel well enough to complete some work. There are also Maths (and soon English) quiz based assignments on EdShed that feedback to me. These should either link in to the work tasks or things that we have recently covered in school.
Maths - below, you should find a copy of the Arithmetic sheet we complete each Tuesday which recaps core skills from the year so far. There is also an equivalent fractions sheet which starts off recapping these from Year 4 and progresses to Year 5 level.
UPDATE - There's a comparing fractions sheet for you to have a look at.
UPDATE - There's 2 arithmetic papers for you to have a look at the recap some of the maths skills we have been working on so far this year. I am not using these as tests - so don't panic! There will be some questions we haven't covered yet but have your best attempt. We'll go through some of the answers next week when more of you are back in!
English - in class, we have been working on diary entries and describing how people/characters are feeling without having to name the emotion. Yesterday, we began to write our diary entry as if we were an explorer reaching the summit of Mount Everest for the first time. We have split our diaries into 3 sections: waking up and getting ready at the final camp before Everest's summit, climbing the last part of the mountain (climbing a rock face / crossing a crevasse, etc), and reaching the summit. Each section should ideally be a decent sized paragraph.
UPDATE - Have a go at the SPaG activities on EdShed and then proof-read your writing to make sure you have correctly included adverbials! After that, have a go at writing a fourth diary entry - this time for the descent of Everest. Remember to include all of the things we have been working on in English.
Topic - we are aiming to finish our Everest / Mountains topic this week so we will be researching the first recorded ascent of Everest and how the climb / route may have changed since then. You could make notes of your research or a poster page if you'd prefer.
I hope that keeps you all busy for a day or two! As I said above, more work will appear online later this week.
Take care and I hope everyone feels better soon!
Miss Runeckles
Letter - Friday 11th March 2022
A letter has gone home today detailing arrangements for the KS2 Dance Festival that Class 5 will be taking part in next Wednesday (16th March). Please can you complete the form and return it to school. If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Here's a copy of the letter in case you need it!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 11th March 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 17th March. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
Blue | Green | Purple |
gently | deceive | ear |
simply | conceive | dear |
humbly | receive | fear |
nobly | perceive | hear |
durably | receipt | gear |
terribly | protein | near |
incredibly | caffeine | tear |
responsibly | seize | year |
wrinkly | either | rear |
possibly | neither | beard |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 4th March 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 10th March. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
The Holes Warden story deadline has been extended. The new due date is Friday 4th March.
The information sheet can be found below last week's spellings.
Blue | Green | Purple |
battle | ancient | hammer |
article | science | letter |
struggle | species | rocker |
possible | efficient | ladder |
capable | deficient | supper |
settle | glacier | dinner |
humble | scientists | boxer |
terrible | sufficient | better |
example | emergencies | summer |
adjustable | inefficient | banner |
Weekly Spellings - Monday 1st March 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 3rd March. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set over half-term on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
The Holes Warden story deadline has been extended. The new due date is Friday 4th March.
The information sheet can be found below.
Blue | Green | Purple |
natural | amateur | every |
build | ancient | everybody |
describe | awkward | even |
imagine | criticise | pretty |
library | excellent | great |
ordinary | foreign | break |
promise | pronunciation | steak |
recent | symbol | beautiful |
suppose | yacht | after |
weight | equipment | fast |
Weekly Spellings / Homework - Friday 11th February 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 17th February. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
We have also discussed the children's new English homework task linked to Holes. They need to write the end of Holes from the perspective of the Warden. This task will last for the next few weeks (over half term) and is due in on Thursday 3rd March. There will be an information sheet with more details about this going home at the start of next week. They need to have a brief story plan prepared for this Thursday to make sure they know what they will be writing over the break!
Blue | Green | Purple |
arrival | doubt | sure |
burial | island | lure |
comical | lamb | assure |
emotional | solemn | insure |
national | thistle | pure |
magical | autumn | cure |
personal | build | secure |
optional | receipt | manure |
survival | ascend | mature |
tropical | disciple |
Weekly Spellings / Homework - Friday 4th February 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 10th February. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
In addition to their timestables assignment, the children have also been set a homework task on Maths Shed (which they should all be aware of!). They need to complete this negative numbers quiz before Thursday morning.
Blue | Green | Purple |
grate | knight | oil |
great | wreckage | boil |
groan | writer | coin |
grown | knowledge | coil |
main | knuckle | join |
mane | wreath | soil |
meat | pterodactyl | toil |
meet | mnemonic | quoit |
missed | wrestler | poison |
mist | knife | tinfoil |
French Quizlets (for practice) - January 2022
Below is another link to some online French quizzes (on Quizlet), that Madame Price has created for you to practise the skills you will soon be learning in class. The previous Quizlet links can be found further down the page.
Weekly Spellings / Homework - Friday 28th January 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 3rd February. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
The children have also been set a Maths-based homework task (which they should all be aware of!). They need to complete the Maths sheet by answering the questions in their Homework book (a copy of the Maths sheet can be found below the spelling words).
Blue | Green | Purple |
calmly | referring | bar |
exactly | preferred | car |
deadly | transferring | bark |
bravely | reference | card |
boldly | referee | cart |
gladly | preference | hard |
deeply | transference | jar |
clearly | difference | park |
hourly | inference | market |
quickly | conferring | farmyard |
Weekly Spellings / Homework - Friday 21st January 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 27th January. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
The children have also been set a Maths-based homework task (which they should all be aware of!). They need to complete the Maths sheet by answering the questions in their Homework book (a copy of the Maths sheet can be found below the spelling words).
Blue | Green | Purple |
vein | afterwards | now |
weigh | immediately | down |
eight | earlier | owl |
neighbour | eventually | cow |
sleigh | previously | how |
reign | finally | bow |
freight | recently | row |
reins | yesterday | town |
veil | tomorrow | towel |
eighteen | whilst | sow |
Art Homework - Due: Friday 21st January
Simon has set the children the task of finding a proverb or two and working out their meaning. They need to choose a proverb that they think they could use in a painting.
They need to write down both the proverb and its meaning on a piece of paper, and bring this in for Art on Friday afternoon.
Weekly Spellings / Homework - Friday 14th January 2022
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 20th January. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
The children have also been set an English-based homework task (which they should all be aware of!). They need to 'Bump Up' these three sentences:
Blue | Green | Purple |
straight | changeable | for |
painter | noticeable | fork |
fainted | manageable | cord |
waist | agreeable | cork |
strainer | knowledgeable | sort |
chained | replaceable | born |
mistrust | microwaveable | worn |
failure | salvageable | fort |
snail | rechargeable | torn |
waiter | irreplaceable | cornet |
French Quizlets (for practice) - December 2021
Below are a few links to some online French quizzes (on Quizlet), that Madame Price has created for you to practise the skills you have been learning in class.
Weekly Spellings - Friday 17th December 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested after the holidays on Thursday 13th January. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
An assignment has also been set for the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 word lists. The children need to complete a total of 20 games across these two assignments - this could be 10 games on each list or more on one list than the other.
The children do not need to complete any reading activities over the holidays, however they should continue regularly reading and gaining signatures!
Blue | Green | Purple |
centre | accommodate | wild |
decide | available | climb |
disappear | controversy | most |
early | dictionary | only |
heart | marvellous | both |
learn | opportunity | old |
minute | secretary | cold |
notice | sincerely | gold |
regular | suggest | hold |
therefore | twelfth | told |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 3rd December 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 9th December. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
These will be the last set of tested spellings before the end of term!
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
As the children have a lot of song words to be learning for the KS2 play, they do not need to complete any more reading activities before the end of term.
Blue | Green | Purple |
forgetting | reliably | fur |
forgotten | dependably | burn |
beginning | comfortably | urn |
preferred | possibly | burp |
permitted | horribly | curl |
regretting | terribly | hurt |
committed | visibly | surf |
forbidden | incredibly | turn |
propelled | sensibly | turnip |
equipped | legibly | curds |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 26th November 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 2nd December. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
As the children have a lot of song words to be learning for the KS2 play, they do not need to complete any more reading activities before the end of term.
Blue | Green | Purple |
gardening | dependable | look |
gardener | comfortable | foot |
limited | understandable | cook |
limiting | reasonable | good |
developing | enjoyable | book |
developed | reliable | took |
listening | possible | wood |
listened | horrible | wool |
covered | terrible | hook |
covering | incredible | hood |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 19th November 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 25th November. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
Blue | Green | Purple |
misbehave | innocence | high |
mislead | decent | sigh |
misspell | frequent | light |
mistake | emergent | might |
misplace | violent | night |
misread | confidence | right |
mistrust | competence | sight |
misunderstanding | transparent | fight |
misuse | eloquence | tight |
mislaid | intelligence | tonight |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 12th November 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 18th November. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
Blue | Green | Purple |
disappoint | abundance | wait |
disagree | brilliance | hail |
disobey | elegance | pain |
disable | extravagance | aim |
dislike | tolerance | sail |
dislocate | hesitancy | main |
disappear | relevancy | tail |
disadvantage | vacancy | rain |
disapprove | dominancy | bait |
dislodge | abundancy | train |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 5th November 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 11th November. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
Blue | Green | Purple |
redo | abundant | coat |
refresh | brilliant | load |
return | constant | goat |
reappear | distant | loaf |
redecorate | dominant | road |
revenge | elegant | soap |
review | fragrant | oak |
replay | ignorant | toad |
reaction | tolerant | foal |
rebound | vacant | boatman |
Homework - Planet Research
Due: Tuesday 2nd November 2021
Weekly Spellings - Friday 22nd October 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 4th November. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
Blue | Green | Purple |
actual | appreciate | door |
answer | cemetery | floor |
bicycle | conscious | poor |
circle | convenience | because |
earth | environment | find |
enough | immediately | kind |
fruit | language | mind |
island | sufficient | behind |
often | thorough | child |
popular | vegetable | children |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 15th October 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 21st October. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
Blue | Green | Purple |
creature | potential | them |
furniture | essential | then |
picture | substantial | that |
nature | influential | this |
adventure | residential | with |
capture | confidential | moth |
future | celestial | thin |
sculpture | preferential | thick |
fracture | torrential | path |
mixture | circumstantial | bath |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 8th October 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 14th October. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
Blue | Green | Purple |
measure | official | ring |
treasure | special | rang |
pleasure | artificial | hang |
enclosure | crucial | song |
pressure | judicial | wing |
composure | beneficial | rung |
leisure | facial | king |
exposure | glacial | long |
closure | especially | sing |
disclosure | multiracial | ping-pong |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 1st October 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 7th October. The children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
Blue | Green | Purple |
touch | delicious | ship |
double | atrocious | shop |
country | conscious | shed |
trouble | ferocious | shell |
young | gracious | fish |
cousin | luscious | shock |
enough | malicious | cash |
couple | precious | bash |
encourage | spacious | hush |
flourish | suspicious | rush |
Weekly Spellings - Friday 24th September 2021
Similar to Class 4 last year, the children have been split into different spelling groups for their weekly spellings: Blue, Green and Purple. Today, the children have been told which group they are and have copied their weekly spellings into their homework books.
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 30th September. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these - an assignment has also been set for timestables or divisions too!
Blue | Green | Purple |
mouth | ambitious | chop |
around | infectious | chin |
sprout | fictitious | chug |
sound | nutritious | check |
spout | repetitious | such |
ouch | amphibious | chip |
hound | curious | chill |
trout | devious | much |
found | notorious | rich |
proud | obvious | chicken |
Letter - Friday 24th September 2021
A 'Class 5 Swimming Lessons' letter has also been sent home today. Our swimming weeks are the 4th October and 11th October.
Here's a copy of the letter in case you need it!
Letter - Thursday 23rd September 2021
A letter has gone home today detailing arrangements for our trip to We The Curious next Friday (1st October). Please can you complete the form and return it to school. If you have any questions, please get in touch - by email, phone or by popping in!
Here's a copy of the letter in case you need it!
Letter - Friday 10th September 2021
A 'Class 5 Start of Year' letter has gone home today, which tells you about some of the class routines and will hopefully answer some questions about reading records, homework, etc.
Here's a copy of the letter in case you need it!
2020 - 21 Academic Year
Homework - Maths (Decimals in money)
Due: Thursday 8th July 2021
Weekly Spellings - Friday 2nd July 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 8th July. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 17th June 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested after our busy activity-filled week on Thursday 1st July. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 11th June 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 17th June. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 28th May 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested after half-term on Thursday 10th June. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 21st May 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 27th May. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 14th May 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 20th May. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 7th May 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 13th May. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 30th April 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 6th May. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 23rd April 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 29th April. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
EASTER BREAK Homework - Topic (Animals research)
Due: Tuesday 20th April and Tuesday 27th April 2021
Homework - English (Description)
Due: Thursday 1st April 2021
Weekly Spellings - Friday 26th March 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 1st April. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Homework - Maths (Calculating Angles)
Due: Thursday 25th March 2021
Weekly Spellings - Friday 22nd March 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 25th March. An assignment and League has been set on EdShed for these!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 12th March 2021
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 18th March. An assignment and League has been set on EdShed for these!
Home-Learning - Week 7 - UPDATED
* * I’ve just realised that the second task for Maths 3 is missing from the Maths booklet in your home-learning pack! I’ll upload the sheets for this activity as an extra Maths file below. If you cannot print this, then draw your own version of the diagrams and use the letter labels for each triangles to sort them instead. Sorry! * *
Hi everyone!
This is now our last week of home-learning!
I want to say that I'm really proud of how you've all managed working at home and that I can't wait to see you all again next week!
As this is our final week of home-learning, I have allowed a little time in both Maths and English for you to catch-up on an activity or two that you may have missed over the past couple of weeks. If you've already completed them, then keep your Spelling and Mental Maths brains going on EdShed! Once you've completed this week's assignments, feel free to explore some of the other activities and quizzes on here.
As always, don't hesitate to get in touch via the blog or class email if you have any questions or would like some help!
Have a fab, final week and see you soon!
Miss Runeckles x
Home-Learning Week 6
Good morning, Class 5!
I hope you enjoyed the Half-Term break and are ready and raring to go again! Hopefully, this will be our last few weeks of home-learning.
Thanks to those of you that have sent through photos of what you've been up to generally or with the home-learning tasks. I've had a few more over half-term so will add these to the existing Home-Learning gallery during this week so look out!
If you need your pack posting out, let me know!
I have also created a Weekly Home-Learning Summary Page which should give you an overview of the week's activities. Some children have found it useful to use this as a checklist for the week so that they can tick off and see what they have achieved.
Please try your best with every activity – after all, I can’t ask any more of you than that. That said, please don’t suffer in silence! If you need any help with any of the tasks that I have set, please contact me via the Class Blog or the class email address ( class5@bradworthy.devon.sch.uk ) and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
This message will be reoccurring but:
You MUST contact me at least once each week to let me know how you’ve been getting on with the home-learning tasks. If I have not heard from you, then I will make a quick phone call home to check that everything’s okay.
Thank you to everyone who got in touch via the blog or email just before half-term - it's always great to hear from everyone!
Have a brilliant week!
Miss Runeckles x
Home-Learning Week 5
Good morning, Class 5!
Here we are... only 1 more week of home-learning before you all get a well-deserved week off for Half-Term!
As a class, you've put in a fab effort again on Maths Shed this week - we've been at the top of the school league most of the week but have settled at 3rd again or the moment. Keep up the super effort and we'll be back up there again soon!
As for Spelling Shed, we've managed to creep up to 4th place which is an improvement - let's see if we can do one better to get ourselves up and into the Top 3 this week!
Again, we had some superstar Spellers and Mathstronauts - an incredible effort this week from James, May, Scarlett and Lacey, who all managed to end up in the Top 10 (as of this morning).
The 4 of you can look out for an extra treat in your home-learning pack this week!
If you need your pack posting out, let me know!
I have also created a Weekly Home-Learning Summary Page which should give you an overview of the week's activities. Some children have found it useful to use this as a checklist for the week so that they can tick off and see what they have achieved.
Please try your best with every activity – after all, I can’t ask any more of you than that. That said, please don’t suffer in silence! If you need any help with any of the tasks that I have set, please contact me via the Class Blog or the class email address ( class5@bradworthy.devon.sch.uk ) and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Thank you to everyone who got in touch via the blog or email last week!
Seeing as we're heading into the Half-Term break, I'd really appreciate it if everyone could get in touch either via the blog or email to let me know how things have been going. This only needs to be a short update just so that I know you're all okay!
Have a fab week!
Miss Runeckles x
Home-Learning Week 4
Good morning, everyone!
I hope you're all okay and managing to get on alright the home-learning.
Thanks to those of you that have sent through photos of you doing your home-learning or different activities at home - it's been lovely to see some of your 'horrible'... I mean lovely faces again and I'd love to see even more of you!
As a class, you've put in a great effort on Maths Shed this week - we managed to get to the top of the school league mid-week and have settled at 3rd for the moment. Keep up the super effort and we'll be back up there again soon!
As for Spelling Shed, we appear to be stuck in 5th place - let's see if we can pull ourselves up and into the Top 3 this week!
Again we've had a few of you superstars doing an incredible job in the whole school EdShed league. As of this morning, we have 1 member of our class in the Top 10 Spellers and 3 people in the Top 10 Mathstronauts - an absolutely brilliant effort from May, Dan, Sophie B and Cerys!
The 4 of you (and the 3 from last week) can look out for an extra treat in your home-learning pack this week!
If you need your pack posting out, let me know!
I have also created a Weekly Home-Learning Summary Page which should give you an overview of the week's activities. Some children have found it useful to use this as a checklist for the week so that they can tick off and see what they have achieved.
Please try your best with every activity – after all, I can’t ask any more of you than that. That said, please don’t suffer in silence! If you need any help with any of the tasks that I have set, please contact me via the Class Blog or the class email address ( class5@bradworthy.devon.sch.uk ) and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
This message will be reoccurring but:
You MUST contact me at least once each week to let me know how you’ve been getting on with the home-learning tasks. If I have not heard from you, then I will make a quick phone call home to check that everything’s okay.
Thank you to everyone who got in touch via the blog or email last week! Just to let you know, I will be touching base over the next couple of days with those families that I haven't heard from recently. This is just to check that you are all okay.
Have a fantastic week!
Miss Runeckles x
Home-Learning Week 3
Good morning, Class 5!
I hope you managed to enjoy the snow before it melted - I only had hail where I live!
A huge well done to Nathan who was brave enough to send a video of him reading his Holes letter home. I've uploaded it to our Class area in the Video Resource Centre so the rest of you can enjoy it, too! If anyone else is feeling brave, it's still not too late to send yours in...
I also want to point out how well a few of you have been doing in the whole school league on EdShed. As of yesterday evening, we had 2 members of our class in the Top 10 Spellers and 1 person in the Top 10 Mathstronauts - an absolutely amazing effort from Lacey, Rojan and Sophie B! The 3 of you can look out for an extra treat in your home-learning pack next week!
As a class, we are currently in 5th place for both Maths and Spellings - let's see if we can move back up to where we belong this week!
Like previous weeks, if you are unable to collect your pack, please let me know so that I can try and arrange for it to be posted to you. There are a small number of you that have already requested packs to be sent home and these are on their way to you!
I have also created a Weekly Home-Learning Summary Page which should give you an overview of the week's activities. This will now be a regular part of the weekly plan!
Please try your best with every activity – after all, I can’t ask any more of you than that. That said, please don’t suffer in silence! If you need any help with any of the tasks that I have set, please contact me via the Class Blog or the class email address ( class5@bradworthy.devon.sch.uk ) and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
This message will be reoccurring but:
You MUST contact me at least once each week to let me know how you’ve been getting on with the home-learning tasks. If I have not heard from you, then I will make a quick phone call home to check that everything’s okay.
Thank you to everyone who did get in touch via the blog or email last week! Just to let you know that I will be touching base over the next day or two with those families that I haven't heard from recently. This is just to check that you are all okay.
Have a cool week!
Miss Runeckles x
Home-Learning Week 2
Good morning, Class 5!
I hope you all got on okay last week - it was great to hear from so many of you on the blog and via email. There was definitely some good country and capital city quizzing going on from a few of you!
Like last week, if you are unable to collect your pack, please let me know so that I can try and arrange for it to be posted to you. There are a small number of you that have already requested packs to be sent home and these are on their way to you!
I have also created a Weekly Home-Learning Summary Page which should give you an overview of the week's activities. If this is useful, then I will make this a regular part of the weekly plan!
Please try your best with every activity – after all, I can’t ask any more of you than that. That said, please don’t suffer in silence! If you need any help with any of the tasks that I have set, please contact me via the Class Blog or the class email address ( class5@bradworthy.devon.sch.uk ) and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
This message will be reoccurring but:
You MUST contact me at least once each week to let me know how you’ve been getting on with the home-learning tasks. If I have not heard from you, then I will make a quick phone call home to check that everything’s okay.
Thank you to everyone who did get in touch via the blog or email last week - if I haven't heard from you yet, please get in touch over the next few days so that I know that you are all okay!
Have an awesome week!
Miss Runeckles x
Maths Friday Revision session
This week, our Maths revision focus area is: Column Addition.
If you've already completed this week's Maths tasks, please have a go at the questions in the document below. Start with Section B and then move onto Section C.
I'll will post the answers for this activity at the end of the day so that you can check your workings / answers.
Good luck!
Hi everyone,
This first message outlining home-learning is REALLY quite a long one, I'm afraid, so please bear with me - it's useful, I promise!
Routine and expectations
During this week, I suggest that you set up some sort of routine for working. This includes when and where you are going to work – you may even want to wear your school uniform so that it feels more like when you are in school! This routine isn’t stuck in stone, but it will help you feel more in control of what’s going on.
It’s also important that you take breaks throughout the day. Please don’t be afraid to leave a more challenging activity for a while and return to it later (or another day if needed) – just don’t give up completely straight away!
You should aim to be working for between three and five hours each day. This will include:
Now that you are in Class Five, you are old enough now that you should be starting to take responsibility for your own work – it’s your home-learning not your parent’s! This means that they shouldn’t have to be constantly nagging you to get on with your work or getting stressed because you don’t want to do it (or are rushing and haven’t read it properly!). They can still help you as and when you need it, but you should be trying to have a go at things yourself first (like we do in school).
Home-Learning packs
Inside the playhouse on the top playground at school, I have already put a box full of your new home-learning packs. These are available for you to collect whenever you wish, although please try to avoid pick-up and drop-off times if possible (and remember to maintain social distancing). Each pack contains a green exercise book (like your jotters), a pencil and a pen, as well as the resources and home-learning plan for this week. Each folder has a name label on it so please make sure you take the right one!
If you are unable to collect your pack, please let me know so that I can try and arrange for it to be posted to you. There are a small number of you that have already requested packs to be sent home and this will be done at the start of the week.
Weekly Home-Learning Plans
Below this very long message, you should also find the link to download the Weekly Home-Learning plan and copies of any resources that you may need for the week (these are already included in this week’s pack). There is also some French activities for this week from Madame Price that I have added here. I will try my best to organise the resources in the order that they appear in the plan, but please forgive me if they are not in exactly the right order every time!
Each week you will have the equivalent of 5 English lessons. Usually, this will consist of 1 reading session, 1 grammar session, 1 spelling session and 2 writing sessions. Try to complete the activities in the order that they have been set as there will usually be a reason why they have been placed in that order! Sometimes there will be videos for you to watch, a story to listen to, a website to visit, etc. to help you with that session’s tasks.
Each week you will have the equivalent of 5 Maths lessons. Usually, this will consist of 4 sessions on a particular aspect of Maths and 1 revision session on something that we have already covered last term. This revision session will be added nearer the end of each week to the downloadable resources section for that week. It’s important that you complete the activities in the order that they have been set as they usually build on the learning from the previous lesson. We will be using a variety of resources over the coming weeks including White Rose Maths, BBC Bitesize, Espresso and activities from a range of different textbooks. You are likely to find some things more difficult than others but this doesn’t mean that you should just give up! Remember to try to have a growth mindset and positive attitude, even when it’s a bit tough.
Other subjects
Each week you will have 1 Wellbeing activity and a mix of 3 or 4 lessons from the other school subjects. This may include: Science, History, Geography, Music, French, Computing, Art, RE, etc. Normally, you will be able to pick and choose which order you complete these activities in.
I am on duty in school on Tuesday, so I’m likely to be unavailable online during this day. This said, I will be working from home during the rest of the week so will be able to try to answer any questions, or to provide help.
Please try your best with every activity – after all, I can’t ask any more of you than that. That said, please don’t suffer in silence! If you need any help with any of the tasks that I have set, please contact me via the Class Blog or the class email address ( class5@bradworthy.devon.sch.uk ) and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
You MUST contact me at least once each week to let me know how you’ve been getting on with the home-learning tasks. If I have not heard from you, then I will make a quick phone call home to check that everything’s okay.
PHEW!!! That was a lot of information in one go!
All that's left to say is, thank you for reading to the end of that message, and good luck with Week 1 of Home-Learning in Class 5!
Miss Runeckles x
* January Bonus Challenge *
Hi everyone!
Hopefully, you've all had a good Christmas holidays so far.
Here is the bonus challenge that I mentioned at the end of last term:
- London is the capital city of England. Can you name the other countries in the United Kingdom and their capital cities?
- Can you name a country and its capital city pair for each continent?
- How many country and capital city pairs can you name?
Write your answers on a piece of paper, bring it in and put it in our Challenge box before the end of the month. Similar to usual, there will be house points on offer for those who take part in the challenge.
Have fun and stay safe!
Christmas Holidays Homework
Due: Thursday 14th January 2021
Weekly Spellings - Friday 4th December 2020
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 10th December. An assignment and League has been set on EdShed for these!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 27th November 2020
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 3rd December. An assignment and League has been set on EdShed for these!
Homework - English (1st and 3rd Person)
Due: Thursday 26th November 2020
Weekly Spellings - Friday 20th November 2020
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 26th November. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Homework - Maths (column subtraction)
Due: Thursday 19th November 2020
Weekly Spellings - Friday 13th November 2020
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 19th November. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Homework - Maths (negative numbers)
Due: Thursday 12th November 2020
Weekly Spellings - Friday 6th November 2020
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 12th November. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Homework - Half-Term
Due: Thursday 5th November 2020
Weekly Spellings - Friday 23rd October 2020
Please find this week's spelling words below. These words are our first set of Challenge Words from the Year 5 / 6 Word list so there isn't a particular rule to learn! These will be tested after half-term on Thursday 5th November. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 16th October 2020
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 22nd October. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 9th October 2020
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 15th October. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Message from the office (Tempest photos) - Wednesday 7th October 2020
We have Tempest coming into school on Friday to take individual photographs of the children. In previous years, we have always allowed siblings from other schools or pre-schools to come into school to have a group photograph taken but due to the current situation, unfortunately this is something that we cannot do this year.
However, siblings who are at school here, can have a photograph together even if they are in different classes - but we would ask you to let us know if this is something you would like to do as we need to organise for this to be done separately. We have no issue with children in the same family crossing bubbles at the start of the day, on the basis they will have been together at breakfast, however we want to avoid breaking other children's bubbles.
If this is something that you would like to happen, please either email us or give either Rose or Sarah a ring in the office on 01409 241365. If we don't hear from you, the children will only have their photograph taken individually.
Thanks everyone!
Letters - Wednesday 7th October 2020
Today, we have sent home an envelope containing Data Collection Sheets. Please can you check that the details are correct (and update them if needed) before returning them to the school office as soon as possible.
We still have a few outstanding Annual Parent Permission Slips (these were sent out a few weeks ago). Please could these also be returned as soon as possible - if you need a new one, please let us know and we can get one to you!
Letter - Monday 5th October 2020
A 'Class 5 Start of Year' letter has gone home today, which tells you about some of the class routines and will hopefully answer some questions about reading records, homework, etc.
Here's a copy of the letter in case you need it!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 2nd October 2020
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 8th October. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Letter - Monday 28th September 2020
A letter has been sent home today about Class 5's swimming lessons - which will be starting next week.
There's a copy of this letter below if you need another one!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 25th September 2020
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 1st October. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Homework - Planets Research
Due: Friday 2nd October 2020
Weekly Spellings - Friday 18th September 2020
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 24th September. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!
Weekly Spellings - Friday 11th September 2020
Please find this week's spelling words below. These will be tested on Thursday 17th September. An assignment has been set on EdShed for these!