These are the things that should have been done by now (Monday 18th May):
- Fractions 1
- Fractions 2
- Fractions 3
- Fractions 4
- Maths Investigation - Prime Numbers
- Four, Fours Investigation (solutions up to 20)
- Maths Investigation - "Four Lines" and "What Can You Score ?"
- Harrison Burgeron Project (to the end of the third part which finishes this project)
- A first piece of artwork
- Made a start of the Dartmoor Project
- Finished the final draft of your extended (500 word) story - please e-mail me this
- Brain of Bradworthy (letters S, R, J and O)
- Mr Sentance's 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Poetry Tasks
- Have watched the Comet Video
- Easter Maths and Word Problems
- The video project that I posted on Monday 30th March (thank you to the 16 children who did this)
- Science - Air Pressure
- Our Farthing House Project (up to the report about Farthing House and The Red Room)
- Algebra 1
- Algebra 2
- Algebra 3
- Have watched the videos about comets, asteroids and meteors.
- The Dartmoor Project (as far as the networks maths investigation)
- VE Day Project
These things are for completion by Monday 1st June:
- The Last Part of Our Farthing House Project (which asks you to write a long story)
- Another Piece of Artwork for Simon's Art Project
- Algebra 4
- Algebra 5 (which will be uploaded later this week for you to do over Half Term)
- Mr Sentance's 6th Poetry Task
- Have spent at least two twenty minute sessions doing French activities
- Science - Make sure you've watched "Exploring Air Three - Expanding and Contracting". If you can try the experiments
- In addition to this you should also be using “Edshed”, to practice basic maths and spelling skills, each day.
- Please make sure you are reading for at least 30 minutes each day.