

Click here to make sure you're up-to-date with your work.

These are the things that should have been done by now (Monday 18th May):

  1. Fractions 1
  2. Fractions 2
  3. Fractions 3
  4. Fractions 4
  5. Maths Investigation - Prime Numbers
  6. Four, Fours Investigation (solutions up to 20)
  7. Maths Investigation - "Four Lines" and "What Can You Score ?"
  8. Harrison Burgeron Project (to the end of the third part which finishes this project)
  9. A first piece of artwork
  10. Made a start of the Dartmoor Project
  11. Finished the final draft of your extended (500 word) story - please e-mail me this
  12. Brain of Bradworthy (letters S, R, J and O)
  13. Mr Sentance's 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Poetry Tasks
  14. Have watched the Comet Video
  15. Easter Maths and Word Problems
  16. The video project that I posted on Monday 30th March (thank you to the 16 children who did this)
  17. Science - Air Pressure
  18. Our Farthing House Project (up to the report about Farthing House and The Red Room)
  19. Algebra 1
  20. Algebra 2
  21. Algebra 3
  22. Have watched the videos about comets, asteroids and meteors.
  23. The Dartmoor Project (as far as the networks maths investigation) 
  24. VE Day Project


These things are for completion by Monday 1st June:

  1. The Last Part of Our Farthing House Project (which asks you to write a long story) 
  2. Another Piece of Artwork for Simon's Art Project
  3. Algebra 4
  4. Algebra 5 (which will be uploaded later this week for you to do over Half Term)
  5. Mr Sentance's 6th Poetry Task
  6. Have spent at least two twenty minute sessions doing French activities
  7. Science - Make sure you've watched "Exploring Air Three - Expanding and Contracting". If you can try the experiments


  • In addition to this you should also be using “Edshed”, to practice basic maths and spelling skills, each day.
  • Please make sure you are reading for at least 30 minutes each day.