

Residential Trips

Over many years the school has developed an extensive range of residential trips for children across Key Stage 2.


These have huge benefits for the development of our children as rounded individuals who have had access to the best range of experiences and activities that we can possibly provide.

This is why we offer huge subsidies to make these trips as affordable as possible to all of our children (for example; in 2019 every child who participated in our London Residential received a contribution of over £250).

We are very proud of the fact that no child has ever been unable to participate for financial reasons.









These are the trips that we are currently offering:


Year Group Trip Cost
Three Three Days in Penzance £100
Four Three Days in Bristol £100
Five Five Days in North Wales £250
Six Five Days in London £250
Six An Over-Night Camping Trip on Dartmoor Free
Six Three Days Camping on Dartmoor Free

