Teaching and Learning
Our ethos is the key to every aspect of our work.
It sets out our educational philosophy and is the basis of everything that we do and everything that we are trying to achieve.
If you haven’t read our academy’s ethos please stop reading this and do so now !
Our overall aim is simple but challenging:
We want our children to develop a life long love of learning.
To experience the joy of trying wonderful new things and the achievement and fulfilment that comes from this.
We believe this is best achieved through a love of teaching.
This document does not provide a set of rules and regulations for those who are involved in the development of our children to follow.
Rather it provides a starting point for what should be an exciting journey.
“I was born excited”
Mark twain
“Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better”.
Samuel Beckett
The Curriculum
Our curriculum comprises all of learning and experiences which we provide for our children.
In addition to everything outlined here we use the "Read, Write, Inc." approach to phonics teaching.
In addition to the core of experiences and activities which are based within the context of the school’s day and environment we recognise the vital importance of extension. We believe in, and are committed to, the need to provide access to the “Wider World” and the opportunities for learning and development which are available there.
By implication the publication of any curriculum will involve a base of knowledge and activities and their coverage, however we recognise that “simple coverage” is of much less importance than the processes involved whilst this is happening.
Our aim is to develop committed and active learners not individuals who simply know a lot of facts.
We live in a World where knowledge is increasingly instant and in a society where it available to all.
The challenge is to develop people who want acquire knowledge, who want to question and understand what they find out, and moreover who have the desire, ability and wisdom to act usefully upon it.
We recognise our responsibility to provide a curriculum which is:
broad and balanced;
stimulating and creative;
promoting of spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development;
preparation for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life;
based within the historical and cultural contexts of our own society and rooted in the wider World which we are a part of.
Members of staff with Class responsibility have responsibility for planning, preparing and reviewing an annual programme of study which outlines the curriculum as it relates to the children in their care.
As professionals members of staff with Class, or group, responsibility are free to structure and organise their own teaching and work, and that of those under their supervision, in whatever way they deem most appropriate to meet the development needs of those in their care.
In doing this we recognise the following:
The Learning Process
The Learning Environment
Curriculum Coverage
Measuring Success
Marking and Feedback
Assessment and Target Setting
Record Keeping and Reports
An outline of our academy’s curriculum is published here.
If you would like to know more please feel free to get in touch with your child's teacher.