

Pastoral Care

At Bradworthy School we approach the care of our children in a positive way, reinforcing the philosophy and ethos of the school and following our policy.

We place great emphasis on the welfare and well being of the children in our care, and this is something that has been a fundamental strength of our school for many years (as observed by bodies such as Ofsted).

We are very proud of the fact that we encourage and maintain excellent relationships with all of our children, their parents and memebrs of the school community as a whole and this is fundamental to our work, and to the development of the children in our care.



We aim for our children to feel happy and secure in whatever activity they are taking part in. Teachers, non-teaching staff, welfare staff and other adult helpers are encouraged to approach the care of our children in a positive way, reinforcing the philosophy and ethos of the school and following school policy.


Parents are always welcomed and encouraged to contact their child’s Class Teacher, or Headteacher, if they have any concerns or worries, however small thye may seem. We encourage parents to share any concerns, including those about home circumstances or medical matters which may affect their child’s development in school. 


All our children are encouraged to talk freely and openly to any member of staff if they have any worries or problems of any kind on a work or personal level. Staff respond to children in a sympathetic and concerned way, offering advice, support, guidance and reassurance, and where appropriate we will organise support for children so that specific needs can be addressed.
