

Class 6

Welcome to Class Six


Our Class e-mail address is:

You can find information about homework and spellings, on our 'Class Six Noticeboard' page here
You can also download Class Six newsletters here.

Autumn Term 2024

We had a huge amount of fun in the last week of term, when we were able to start to settle in to our new class and room.  We also had lots of fun exploring the Human Body - especially the digestive system!  As you can see in the slideshow below we made alot of mess, and enjoyed learning how the digestive system functions! 


Class Six 2023 - 2024

Spring Term 2024

The links below will take you to the Quizlet pages for your current French work.  

Spring Term Slideshow


Class Six 2022-2023

We have already been very busy in Year Six this year.  We will keep the photo slideshow below updated with pictures from our adventures, as well as showing everyone what we have been getting up to in news articles! 

Class Six Summer Term 2023

Class Six Spring Term 2023


Class Six 2021 - 2022

Class Six Photo Gallery 

We've been very busy during the Autumn Term!  Here are some photos of our adventures! 


Class Six 2021 - 2022



Hello Dylan.

This is a really tough time for you all and we all hope that you're OK.

Everyone in Class is missing you.


Mrs Turner and I have put together some work for you to have a go at. Please don't hate us - it sounds like you're going to be off for a while so you need to try and do a bit each day.

Don't get stressed about this just do what you can.

Please use our blogsite to keep in touch. We'll check it each day and answer any questions you've got as soon as we can.


We'll also put some videos up in our Video Resource Centre for you to look at which we hope will help.


Take Care

Sir and Mrs Turner.


Week Beginning Monday 26th April:


  • There is a video about the algebra for you to look at in our Video Resource center. Try and have a go at the sheets over the next week or so.
  • The "Four Fours" Investigation is for you to have a go at here and there over the next couple of weeks.
  • We have been looking at the poem 'The Highwayman' in class.  The booklet below has a couple of activities based on the poem.   On pages 5 & 6 of the booklet there are some 'descriptions' of each verse from part two and three of the poem.  Can you put these in order?  
  • Page 7 of the booklet has some examples of poetic techniques - can you work out which ones are personification, which are similes, which are metaphors and which are alliteration? 
  • Finally, on page 8 of the booklet there are some pictures of the main characters for you to have a look at.   Could you think about which one is most important in the poem, and then explain your ideas and reasons?  

Monday 10th May


Hello again Dylan.

We hope you're managing to find some time to do a few things.

Here's a few more thigs for you to think about over the the next couple of weeks.

Please use the blog-site if you need any support - or just want tp say hello.


(The Poerty and Prose Topic will take several weeks so please don't panic !!)

Monday 24th May


Hello Dylan.

We haven't heard anything from you - although Jack said he'd been on the phone with you and that you were OK.

Everyone is missing you.

If you want to say hello why not blog us.

Week Beginning Monday 24th May

Previous Home Learning Details - January 2021 


We are absolutely devastated that we were unable to return to school on Monday 11th January after our Christmas Break. Unfortunately COVID-19 has struck again and schools across Britain have been forced to close.


It goes without saying that we are all desperate to be back in school as soon as possible and that we really hope that our school won't be closed for too long.


For now most of you will be learning from home and we will be doing everything that we can to help you with this.

Just click the following link to reach our COVID-19 Support Page:

Class 6 Remembrance Project 2020

As you can see from the pictures above, we have been working hard on a project based on Remembrance.  We used a selection of poetry, music and art linked to Remembrance, and used these to inspire us to create our own pieces of art work.  We have put these up in the classroom, but wanted to share them with everyone at home, so we have made a video for you all to enjoy.  

You can see our video on the Video Resource Centre, or by following the link here:

We hope you enjoy looking at our work! 

Library Update...

12 November 2020

Dear Parents

We have been sent the Christmas Scholastic Book Catalogue which will be making its way home in book bags this week. To order books please click/enter the link below. We will not be taking any orders via the school office. Any books that you order will be sent to school and we will contact you when they arrive to arrange for them to be picked up safely (we won’t send books home automatically in book bags just in case they are gifts!)

Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to

to browse the latest books and order online.

For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards. Please place your order online by December 1st, 2020.

Just before school shut for the first lockdown we wanted to make sure everyone had a book to take home, it was all a bit a bit of a rush, so some books may not have been ‘checked out’. If you find any school library books or reading scheme books at home we would be very grateful if you could return them to your class. Thank you.

Best wishes

Kymble Eldridge

School Library.

The children's homework for the Autumn Half term Break has been put online so that it can be downloaded in the unlikely event that they forgot to bring it home.

Some of the homework is quite difficult - if anyone needs any help they can use the "blog" which has been set up.

We've just added the Wake-Boarding Group List to our Noticeboard (30.9.2020).

A Science homework sheet has been added today (30.9.2020). Its due in on 7th October.

2019 - 2020 Academic Year

September 2020:
Please have a look at our latest newsletter which deals with the start of our lunch, and after school, clubs in September 2020. There is a form that needs to be returned which will tell us which clubs children want to do. Please do this as soon as you can so we can organise things.


June 2020:
Our Year Six children returned to school on a full time basis on 1st June 2020.
Our online support for these children's home-learning was discontinued at this point because they were now attending school again.


Thursday 28th May:
Information for parents whose children are retuning to school on 1st June has been added to our Coronavirus Page.
A dinner menu and order form as been added to our Lunch Menus page, under the Parents tab.


Friday 22nd May:
An important new message has been added to our Coronavirus Page.
Please read it and download our new policy which deals with the return to school of some children.


Monday 18th May:
This page has been updated today.
There is a new set of work for the week ahead and information about what you should have completed by now.

Live "Blog Site" Sessions:


As of June 2020 no further sessions are planed because Year Six children are back in school.

This is the first picture of us on our new web-site.
A few of us are missing because of the "Coronavirus Thing" !

Our school is closing tomorrow and we're completely gutted but we're staying positive and looking forward to getting back to school so we can enjoy our Summer Term and all of the things that are planned !!



It seems like this is going to be our last week in school for a while so we thought we'd put some photos up which show what we've been up to over the last few days .....





As well as normal things like maths, English and Science we've also been:

working on our art project, 
cooking sausage rolls,

playing music,
doing sport,
building a mammoth for our Art Exhibition,

making a music video to cheer everyone up,

and basically having a great time in school - like we always do !!!
