Special Educational Needs: A Whole School Approach
Bradworthy Primary Academy is a mainstream setting for pupils aged from four to eleven, with an affiliated pre-school on our site.
We understand that all children have many varied needs and our main aim in school is to support the development of the whole child and ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school and develop as fully rounded individuals. This approach is advocated within our ethos, which is available on the homepage of our web site. All staff in school recognise that there are times when children may need some additional support to assist them in their learning. We believe that all teachers are teachers of pupils with Special Educational Needs, and that every teacher is responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all pupils in their class even where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff. Our staff endeavour to provide high quality teaching, differentiated to meet the needs of the majority of pupils.
Some pupils will need something additional to and different from what is provided for the majority of pupils; this is special educational provision and we aim to ensure that such provision is made for those who need it. We aim to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities being met in a mainstream setting wherever this is achievable and appropriate.
The four broad ‘areas of need’ we aim to provide for are:
Communication and Interaction
Cognition and Learning
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
Sensory and Physical Needs
These areas of need are taken from the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (January 2015).
The way in which pupils may be supported can vary depending on their needs, and how these needs can be met in school. We use the SEND Structure below to help us identify the level of support to offer a child to ensure their needs are being met. The ethos at the centre of the structure is key to all pupils, and is at the core of all of our teaching.
As illustrated in the diagram below, the levels of support are structured to offer support for a child in a range of different ways. A child working in the 'On Alert' group may not be receiving any additional support, or may have access to some class based intervention/support work. A pupil who is working in the 'On Alert' group is not considered to have a Special Educational Need, as they are accessing universal provision, rather than something which is different from or additional to this. A pupil could be moved into the 'On Alert' group for a number of reasons, and could either be removed from this group if progress is made or their needs are met, or moved into the 'SEN Support' group if individual planning and provision is needed. When a child is supported in the 'SEN Support' and 'Statement / EHCP' groups we develop plans for support, with relevant targets and provision. These plans are developed using the Graduated Response for SEND, which is outlined in the diagram below.
The LA Local Offer
Further information on Devon’s Local Offer can be obtained at www.devon.gov.uk/send
Request for non-internet based information should be made to 0845 1551015.
We work in full consultation with Devon’s Local Offer to meet the needs of SEN pupils as determined by school policy and practice, and the provision that the school is able to provide.
In you want to be involved in the school’s work in this area please feel free to contact our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), Becki Turner, at sendco@bradworthy.devon.sch.uk
If Your Child has Special Educational Needs / Disabilities (SEND) you will want to know what Bradworthy Primary Academy can offer. At Bradworthy Primary Academy, we embrace the fact that every child is different, and, therefore, the educational needs of every child is different; this is certainly the case for children with SEND.
We have developed a distinct ethos which is embraced by our whole school community. It guides every aspect of our work and the way in which we try and help all children develop.
Our approach to SEND sits firmly within it’s context.
You can obtain a copy of our ethos from the home page of our web-site at https://www.bradworthyacademy.co.uk/ethos/
We welcome and encourage the participation of parents / carers as partners in all aspects of our work, and this is especially the case where SEND is concerned.
This report is organised into fourteen different areas which are summarised below as questions: |
Our SEND Policy has been reviewed following the changes to the SEN Funding Process and the Early Help System. You can download our SEND Policy below.