Autumn Term 2024
Road Safety - 13th November
Emazdad the children's entertainer, was in school today talking to all the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 about road safety. He delivered a really important message with lots of fun, singing and a little bit of help from his friend Ned.
In art we have been exploring colour. We had fun with the 'travelling colours' experiment. The children predicted that the primary colours red, yellow and blue, would mix to make the secondary colours green, orange and purple.
We started our new topic in maths by revising our number bongs to 10. The children used numicon to see if they could find all 11 number bonds.
Summer Term 2024
Farm School - Week 6
To mark our final session of Farm School, we left school a little earlier than usual and ate our packed lunches at the farm. It was fun having so much space to play after eating. This week we were looking at maps. Vicki showed some aerial photos of the farm. We made the most of the lovely weather and had a long walk around the farm reminding ourselves of the layout and visiting all the animals. We will work on our maps back at school. Farm School has been amazing and we have all learned so much. Thank you Vicki x
Farm School - Week 5
We were artists at Farm School this week. First we went for a farm walk visiting all the animals. The cows have all now had their calves, and we managed to spot all 12 of them in the field. The orphaned lambs are thriving and we noticed how much Emma had grown since our last visit.
Vicki let the children choose what they wished to use to create their picture, and they decided which part of the farm or which animal they wanted to draw or paint. Even the rain didn't deter our budding artists. The final activity of the afternoon was to collect flowers and leaves to make a beautiful sun catcher. Vicky brought their gorgeous new puppy Billy out for a quick run around before we headed back to school.
Northam Burrows
Class 2 had a fantastic morning investigating the rockpools on the Beach at Westward Ho! After lunch, we walked into the Burrows exploring sand-dunes and the wide variety of mini-beasts who live there.
The Disgusting Sandwich
Class 2 have been reading The Disgusting Sandwich by Gareth Edwards. We made the most of the sunshine to head outside and create our own disgusting sandwiches. Yuck!
Farm School - Week 4
This week we talked about feelings and how we can express our feelings using a variety of words, facial expressions and behaviours.. When we visited all the animals, we talked abut how they expressed their feelings without being able to tell us. We tried to empathise with how they were feeling and change our behaviour if we were disturbing them. We ended the session with some relaxing animal yoga poses. I have been forbidden from sharing photos of the adults!!
Farm School - Week 3
It felt as though summer had arrived at Farm School this week. It was lovely to be outside and warm; the animals seemed to be enjoying the sun too. When we arrived, we fed the baked food balls from last week to the chickens, and checked their coop for eggs. We fed the tame lambs and said hello to the rest of the sheep and lambs. Bear, the pony was pleased to see all the children back on the farm. There were 2 new calves on the farm this week, but we couldn't find them in the field as their mothers had hidden them well.
This week we were thinking about how we protect our environment. We walked around one of the fields, looking closely at the hedges. Vicki explained how important the hedges are to our environment. She helped us spot a huge variety of plants and animals, and we also saw signs of animals that we couldn't see. Mr Fox stayed well hidden. Before returning to school, everyone made a bug hotel to take home to their own gardens. I can't wait to hear about the variety of mini-beasts that move in.
Farm School - Week 2
Class 2 enjoyed their second week at farm school. This week we talked about the food that animals need each day to live healthily and the treats they are allowed occasionally. The drizzly weather did not spoil our afternoon as we were in and out of different barns completing our tasks. The class split into 3 groups to complete 3 different activities around the farm. Using our skills in measuring in grams and milliletres we followed a recipe to make treats for the chickens which Vicki will bake for them to enjoy later. For another activity we had to answer some maths problems to work out how much of each ingredient to include for the goat treats. The third job was to help Vicki count some of the animals around the farm. We had to work out how many legs in the cow shed, how many wings in the chicken coop and count the sheep in the field. All trickier than it sounds as the animals wouldn't stand still.
Farm School - Week 1
Class 2 took part in the first of our 6 farm school sessions this week. Vicki introduced the children to the farm and through games and discussion, we learned about the needs of all animals. Their 5 basic needs are food, water, shelter, air and space and we talked about how each of these needs differs for each animal. Vicki guided us around the farm, allowing us to meet lots of new animals, sheep, and some tame lambs, goats, chickens, ducks, rabbits, guinea pigs, ponies, cows and Tic-Toc the bull. We looked at the spaces they lived and slept in, the food they ate and talked about their basic needs. We had a fantastic afternoon and are all excited for next week's session.
Spring Term 2024
The Eden Project - Chocology Workshop
Class 2 had a wonderful day at The Eden Project. We explored the biomes and learned about the history of chocolate in the fabulous 'Chocology' workshop. We even had time for a quick play in the play area.
Dartington Glass
Class 2 had a great morning at Dartington Glass in Torrington. We went on a factory tour, watching the master glass blowers at work. The heat from the furnaces was incredible!
Then we each painted our own glass. We were so excited to take them home a few days later.
Autumn Term 2023
Road Safety
Emmazdad made his annual visit to Bradworthy to talk to the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 about road safety. A really important message, delivered with lots of fun, singing and a little help from his friend Ned.
Working with clay
The children used air dry clay to create these fabulous dragon eyes.
English Lessons
We have been reading a number of 'Dragon' fiction books this term. We are using these as a basis for our writing, practising writing simple sentences, and identifying and using nouns, adjectives and verbs in our work. In this lesson the children wrote a 'shopping list' of items they would take on a journey in The Dragon Machine.
Summer Term 2023
Dance with Jess
This term class 2 have enjoyed weekly dance lessons with Jess Bailey. Following our Australia theme, Jess taught the children a dance to Australian music. In the dance they split into groups of animals, and end with making the sail shapes of Sydney Opera House. Unfortunately it was a little windy when filming them so you can't hear the music clearly, but I hope you enjoy the dance.
Northam Burrows - June
Class 2 enjoyed a fabulous day on the beach with the rangers from Northam Burrows. This term in science we have been learning about the wide variety of habitats and micro-habitats in our environment. In the morning we explored the rock pools at Westward Ho! We found crabs, prawns, sea snails, anemones, shoals of tiny fish, sea weed and lots more. After lunch and time to play, we walked into the sand dunes where we saw butterflies, ants, cinnabar caterpillars and wood lice. We all had an amazing day and the children once again made me proud.
Art Exhibition - May 2023
I am pleased that so many of you made it to the school Art Exhibition recently. In case you missed it, here are a few photos of Year 2's contribution.
Rosemoor - 23 May
Class 2 enjoyed another fabulous trip today, this time to Rosemoor Gardens in Torrington. In the morning we learned about habitats and micro habitats. We had fun hunting for mini-beasts in the woods. Before lunch we planted Cornflower seeds which we will be bringing home. In the afternoon, we had lots of fun playing in the brash.
Squirrel Wood - 17 May
This morning we made bread dough in a bag, mixing together the ingredient without having to touch it. In the afternoon we walked down to Squirrel Wood. Richard Hart was already there, and he had prepared the fire and sticks ready to cook. We rolled our bread into 'snakes', wrapped them round our sticks and cooked them over the fire. We each chose a filling for our bread and sat around the fire eating them. We also had lots of time to run around and play. A fantastic afternoon!
Beach Safety Talk - 21/4/2023
Bude lifeguards Amy and Tamsin spent time with all the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 this morning. They delivered a fun and informative session on beach and water safety and talked about the work of the lifeguards and RNLI. We learned about the meaning of the different flags we might see on the beach and where we should swim to stay safe. They also helped the children understand what they should do if they ever get into trouble in the water. It was a fabulous lesson and one we hope to repeat regularly.
Spring Term 2023
Church visit
The children have been learning about New Beginnings in RE with Mrs Betts. The class visited Bradworthy Church, where the vicar Reverend Richard Freeman talked about baptism. They chose the name Duncan for the baby.
Eden Project - Chocology Workshop 21 March
We have all had a fantastic day at The Eden Project, exploring the amazing biomes and learning about the history of chocolate in the 'Chocology' workshop.
Red Nose Day
We decided to decorate some Red Nose Day biscuits. We loved making making and decorating silly faces out of chocolate.
More reading awards - 15 March
These 3 remarkable readers from Year 2 were the first children in the school to receive their certificate from Kymble. They have read on 24 or more days since the reading challenge began. I think that is pretty much every day. Well done guys!
Class 2's remarkable readers!
We are coming to the end of the third week of the school reading challenge and the children in Year 2 are getting competitive. This photo shows all the children who have read on more than 12 days and have received their first prize, a fabulous World Book Day book and a scratch art bookmark. These guys are well on the way to receiving their medal, but it's not too late for everyone else to catch up.
Keep reading class 2!
Trip to Dartington Glass - 8 March
Class 2 spent a fabulous morning at Dartington Glass in Torrington. We went on the factory tour, and spent a long time watching the master glass blowers at work. We saw them making champagne glasses and jugs, and we were all fascinated by each part of the process. The heat from the furnaces was incredible!
After the tour, we each painted our own high-ball glass. They will be picked up over the weekend and we can't wait to see them all finished.
It was lovely to hear so many compliments, from the staff and members of the public, about the children's behaviour.
What a great morning!
Autumn Term 2021
Class 2 spent time in the garden this afternoon with Richard Hart. They took apart sections of the bug hotel to see what they could find. If you look at the photos below, you will see a selection of the mini- beasts and fungi that the children found.
Amelia and Alicia received a special certificate this week for reading. They read at home every day last half term, including weekends and over the half term break. We are so proud of all their hard work. I think we need to thank their parents too!
On Friday 5th November, the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 had a fantastic time learning about road safety. They were visited by Emazdad and his very silly friend Ned the Fuzzle, who presented The Stop, Look and Listen Road Safety Show. The show was funny and interactive with lots of opportunity to answer questions and join in. The children had fun, while learning about the dangers of the roads, and how to cross roads safely. They also learned a little song to remind them to Stop, Look, and Listen! I am sure they would sing it to you if you asked.
This year, for the first time, the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 took part in their own Harvest Festival. The children enjoyed performing the songs and poem to family with the older children in the band supporting them with their music. Class 2 performed the harvest poem that we had written together in class. We recorded the poem back in class for you to listen again. Click on the link below.
Class 2 have been learning all about Medieval Castles this term and so we were delighted to be able to visit Okehampton Castle at the start of this half term.
In the morning we split into groups and we explored the castle ruins. We had to look carefully around each of the rooms to find the answers to Mrs Carey's Castles quiz, and we also looked out for all the different shapes of windows we could see around the castle. The walk up the motte (hill) to the keep was very steep - I think we all managed to count the 38 steps. Did your children tell you that they saw evidence of the toilet (garderobe) up there?
After a picnic lunch, we looked in the Discovery Box that the staff at Okehampton Castle let us use and were able to try on some of the costume items. We also walked a short way around the base of the castle and lay in the meadow sketching the castle from below. Thankfully there was plenty of time to play in the meadow, and Mrs Carey had taken some bubbles for everyone to blow and run around popping.
It was wonderful to get out on the school minibuses again and we were so lucky to have amazing, warm, dry and sunny weather for the day (everyone back at school had to put up with drizzly rain and wet play).
To mark the end of a very busy half term, we celebrated with a special Medieval Day. The children (and adults) dressed up for the day as knights, servants, kings, queens and princesses, we even had a donkey. In the morning we made mini catapults, and enjoyed lots of activities in the classroom. After performing our Medieval dance, we feasted on a banquet in the school hall. In the afternoon we all went outside and had team hobby horse races, jousting tournaments, practiced catapulting missiles into a castle and lots of play. There may have been a few sword fights but thankfully nobody was injured. The children said it was the best day ever, and Jo and Mrs Carey agreed.
We started the summer term by investigating an unexpected visitor to school. We watched a video taken on the school field, then went outside to see what evidence was left behind.
Monday 1st March 2021
Hi Class 2,
How wonderful that this is our final week of home learning! I am so looking forward to seeing everyone back in school on 8th March.
Your learning packs are ready for collection if you haven’t got them yet. I am so proud of all the hard work you have done this term, please keep it going this week.
As always I will be available via email and the blog, although I am in school on Wednesday. I look forward to seeing and hearing what you get up to this week and see you all very soon.
Love Mrs C xx 😄
Monday 22nd February 2021
Hi Class 2,
I hope you have all been able to relax and get outside at times during this half term week and have enjoyed a break from work - I know I have. I am keeping everything crossed that we are coming to the end of working from home in this way. I know it's not been easy for many of you, but I am so proud of you all for all your hard work. Please keep going.
This week we are starting a new Topic with a Geography focus: we will be learning about Australia. This will also be the basis of much of our English and Art/creative work. In Science our topic will be; Animals and their Habitats. We will be continuing these topics when we (hopefully) get back to school so please try to keep on top of your work. The planning allows for 4 full days of work with Friday to catch up with anything you haven't done. Remember that the additional challenges are suggested optional activities and I don't expect everyone to do these.
I would really appreciate it if you could make sure that you make contact at least once each week. I will be making phone call to anyone I haven't heard from by the end of this week. You can email, write on the blog, and I know some of you are in school anyway in the keyworker group.
The printed packs are in the school playground ready for collection, and they will be posted out to those who have requested it. I have also uploaded them on the class page, click on the link above.
I look forward to hearing from you all this week. Stay safe and keep smiling.
Love Mrs C xx
Monday 8th February 2021
Hi Class 2,
It's hard to believe that we are coming to the end of half term. I am so proud of how everyone has coped with the last few weeks. I just hope we can all get back to school soon.
The weeks plans are ready for collection at school, and they have also been uploaded on the Class 2 Home Learning link above. As promised, I will be putting a maths challenge on the blog each day this week so hope to hear from everyone on there.
Have a great week
Love Mrs C xx
Monday 1st February 2021
Hi Everyone,
I hope you all had a lovely relaxing weekend. We made it through January- well done! Let’s hope February brings some drier days and sunshine.
The plans and resources for week 4 can be found on the link above. I have also printed packs which are available for collection from school as usual.
I have uploaded several videos onto the Video Resource Centre this week. Please make sure you watch these when guided to do so before attempting any of the tasks.
I am still hoping to add any videos of children performing their poems or tongue twisters to a class video so please could you get these to me by the end of Monday.
It it important that you make contact with me at least once each week, so if you didn’t email last week please get in touch as a matter of urgency to let me know how you are getting on.
I am so impressed with all the fantastic work I am seeing, and am really proud of everyone’s hard work.
I hope you enjoy the lessons I have planned this week, I look forward to hearing from you all.
Stay safe,
Mrs C xxx
Monday 25th January 2021
Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all happy and well. Did everyone manage to get out and play in the snow before it melted?
I hope you are all getting on well with the home learning tasks. I don't expect you to do all the activities, the challenges are optional, but it is really important that you complete the Maths and English each week. Please make sure you watch all the videos that I have included in the planning for each lesson, without them the lessons may not make sense. These can be watched on any device, even a phone. If you have any problems with watching them, please let me know.
I would love it if anyone has any poem or tongue twister videos to share.I have only received 2 so far which is a shame.
The learning pack for the coming week is on the 'Class 2 - Home Learning' link above. I will also put the printed packs in the box in the shelter in the playground ready for collection any time.
Thank you to everyone who has been sending in work and messages. It is important that I hear from everyone at least once each week, so please keep in touch.
Have a good week,
Mrs Cx
Monday 18th January 2021
Hi Everyone,
I hope that you have all had a good week and the children, and adults, enjoyed the tasks I had set. Thank you to so many of you for sending emails and photos. It has been wonderful to hear from you and see all the fantastic work you have been doing. I have particularly enjoyed seeing all the really "disgusting sandwiches'. If there are any more sandwich photos, I would love to see them and I will put all the photos together to share.
If you haven't yet made contact, please get in touch and let me know how you are getting on.
The learning pack for the coming week is on the 'Class 2 - Home Learning' link above. I you are having problems accessing the pack, or printing work off, please let me know.
Mrs Cx
Friday 8th January 2021
Dear Class 2 children and parents,
Happy New Year. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and everybody is happy and well.
I am so sad that we will not be back together in school for a few weeks. I think the latest lockdown has taken us all by surprise. I have planned lots of fun activities to help with your child’s learning, and am here to support you.
I will be posting out a pack to everyone this week to get you all started, and the plans for each week will be up on the School website. These will include activities for English, Maths, Science, Topic (History or Geography) Spellings and Phonics as well as some additional challenges. I will also be recording some stories and other information each week which I will put on the Video Resource page.
You should all have logins for Spelling Shed and Maths Shed, Espresso, the school website and blog. If you have any issues with any of the logins please let me know so I can sort it out for you.
It is really important that your child continue to read every day for at least 15 minutes. I understand that accessing books may be difficult so in the pack I have included information about accessing ebooks from
Please do not feel pressured to complete all the activities I have set. In order for me to see how you are getting on, and give feedback when appropriate, I would really appreciate you taking photos or scanning any work and emailing it to me at
It is really important to for us to maintain contact over the next few weeks, so please get in touch via the blog or email. If I haven’t heard from you, I will phone to check everything is ok.
I will be working from home each day except when I am in school working with the Key Worker Group of children. (This week I will be in school on Wednesday).
Keeping physically active is really important, try to get outside at least once a day. Joe Wicks is restarting his live PE session at 9am on Youtube 3 times a week.
I am going to miss seeing you all every day so keep in touch. If you have any questions or just want a chat, please use the class blog, or email me.
Lots of love
Mrs Carey xxx
Friday 6th November 2020
Class 2 have been working really hard in English this week reading, learning and writing poems all about bonfire night. We based our learning on the poem November Night Countdown by Moira Andrew. We have been learning about verbs and created actions for the verbs in the poem. Click on the link below to take you to the Video Resource Centre to listen to the children recite the poem. I think they did a wonderful job and I am so proud of them all.
Below you will also find the link to this week's spellings and maths homework which is also in their spelling/homework books.
Friday 23 October
Spellings and Homework for half term attached below. Don't forget to have a look at the assignments and maths quiz on EdShed. Spellings will be tested after half term on Thursday 5 November.
Have a wonderful half term.
Mrs C x
Friday 16th October
Weekly spellings and homework attached below.
Friday 9th October 2020
Below you will find the link to this week's spellings and maths homework.
Friday 2 October 2020
Find below a copy of the letter sent home this evening along with a link to this week's spellings and homework.
Hi everyone, hopefully you all received the email sent out by Richard last night. If anyone didn't receive this email please contact the office so that we can amend your details to ensure you receive any future communications.
Summer 2020
Dear Class 2,
We are almost at the end of what has to be the strangest school year ever, and I think you all deserve an enormous thank you. We made it, somehow.
This week I am not setting any new work. I think it is the perfect opportunity to look back through the learning packs since the start of lockdown and see if there are activities that still need to be completed.
If you are in the amazing position of having finished everything, Congratulations, you are fantastic and deserve a break.
I have put on the school website a document which you may find helpful over the summer. On it, I have put some activity suggestions for Reading, Writing, Maths and Science. More importantly, I have included some of the End of Year Expectations for each of these subjects. This is not a plan for required summer lessons however practising these skills will really help keep your brains working and prepare you for moving up into Year 3 in September.
I will obviously be checking the blog and the class email regularly until the end of term. If there is any work you would like me to look at, please make sure it is emailed to me before 3.30pm on Thursday 23rd July as this is the final day of the summer term.
Keep smiling,
Mrs Carey xxx
Dear Class 2,
Hopefully you will all now have received the learning pack with planning and resources for the coming 2 weeks. I have planned sessions in English and Maths, as well as new EdShed Assignments. In Science and Topic/Geography we will be finishing off the Australia and Plants topics that have been the focus of our learning over the past few weeks. I have also included some extra activities and sheets which will keep everyone busy. The activities should be spread over the next 2 weeks to suit your schedule. If your child comes into school with the key worker group, please could they bring their planning pack in with them. When they are in school for their 2 back to school days we will be doing something completely different. You will find the videos for The Koala Who Could and The Lifecycle of a Sunflower over on the Video Resource Centre.
I am really looking forward to seeing so many of the children in school. I won't be able to do as many 'live' sessions, but I will still be checking emails and communicating on the blog regularly to support anyone with their home learning. Please keep in contact, and let me know if I can do anything to help you.
Take care,
Mrs Carey xxx
Dear Class 2,
I hope you had a fabulous time in the sun last week. I loved seeing photos of lots of you cooling down in the sea and in your pools at home.
Your teaching pack for the week ahead is attached. We are continuing with our Australia theme and this week in English we are exploring a traditional Aboriginal Tale called Tiddalik the Frog. In Science we are still looking at Plants. Hopefully you have all planted your seeds for our science experiment, don't forget to complete the relevant boxes on your seed growing experiment sheet from last week.
I hope you are also keeping up with your daily reading. I would love to hear about the books to you are enjoying at home.
Thank you for all the messages and photos this week. I love hearing from you and seeing your gorgeous smiles.
Have a great week and as I always say, if you have any questions, or want to chat please contact me on the blog, or email me.
Love Mrs Carey xxx
Dear Class 2,
I hope you are all happy and well. Here is your pack for the coming week. I have recorded another book which is now on the Video Resource Centre on the school website. It’s a lovely book called Diary of a Wombat, and our English work this week will be based around it. I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you to everyone who has been in touch and has sent photos. There are still lots faces missing from the slideshows and I would love to include you all. It would be great to see and hear what you have all been doing.
I am in school on Monday and will be checking messages throughout the week. If you have any questions, or want to chat please contact me on the blog, or email me.
Have a great week.
Love Mrs Carey xxx
Class 2 - Home Learning photos #6
You will see below photos from the last few weeks. Its so lovely to see your smiley faces and catch up on what you have been doing. xx
Dear Class 2
I hope you all had a lovely week, despite the lack of dry, sunny days. Thank you to everyone who has been in touch and has sent photos. If you haven’t contacted me yet this term, it would be really lovely to hear how you are getting on. Please just drop me an email at the class 2 email address.
This week we are continuing with our Science topic, Plants, with a focus on investigating seeds. My sunflower seed at school has started to grow, I will share photos next week. You will find a recording of me reading a beautiful book about seeds on the Video Resource Centre.
We are also continuing to learn about Australia in Geography. On the planning I have shared the link to a really interesting non-fiction book called Introducing Australia which you can read free on line at
In maths we are continuing to look at fractions. We will be learning to count in halves, and also investigating quarters. I have also included lots of activities to help learn and practice your 5 x tables and the related division facts
As always, if you have any questions, or want to chat please contact me on the blog, or email me.
Take care,
Mrs Carey xx
Dear Class 2,
Thank you for all the lovely feedback about our Amelia Earhart topic last week. I have loved hearing about your learning and seeing what you have been up to.
This week we are starting new a new Science topic, Plants. I know lots of you have been growing things in your gardens already. We will be looking in detail at sunflowers in particular so it would be great if you were able to plant a few sunflower seeds to observe. If you can’t get hold of any sunflower seeds and want to plant some, let me know as I have a few spares I could post out. I have already planted a few at school so will post photos of their progress.
Our topic focus for the next few weeks is Geography and we will be learning about Australia. If you have access to a globe, atlas or world map that would be great. If not, don’t worry, you will all have the small world map I sent to everyone last week which will be helpful.
In maths we are focussing on doubling and halving, and fractions. Make sure you are getting fluent with your 2 x table and the inverse division facts.
Don’t forget, if you have any questions, or want to chat please contact me on the blog, or email me.
Take care,
Mrs Carey xxx
Dear Class 2.
I hope you have all had an amazing half term in the sun. You should all have received an envelope from me containing the planning and worksheets for the week. If not, please let me know. I have also added the links below as usual. The Australian animal handwriting booklet isn't needed this week, and the world map will also be needed in coming weeks so please hang on to those.
The link to the video resource centre, to hear me read the Amelia Earhart story, is below. Please ignore the Australia film as that is for next week.
Although Year 2 are not yet back in school, I will be going in more frequently to work with the group of keyworkers' children. I will check messages regularly, but will not be able to do as many 'live' sessions. Please keep in touch and I will reply as soon as I can.
Have a great week.
Mrs Carey xxx
Online Learning – w/c Monday 18th May 2020
Dear Class 2,
Hope you’ve all had a great weekend. I can hardly believe that we are coming to the end of half term. I am so proud of each and everyone one of you for all your hard work.
I will be putting another slide show of photos up tomorrow, but am still missing seeing photos of several of you. It would be lovely to feature everyone in class 2.
As always, the link to the plans for this week’s lessons and activities is below. I have updated the spellings on Spelling shed and there are updated assignments on Maths Shed.
I will continue to check my messages and the Class 2 blog regularly during the week. I plan to be 'live' at my computer at the following times:
Monday 18th: 1pm - 3pm
Tuesday 19th: I am in school all day so will check in regularly
Thursday 21st: 11am - 1pm
Friday 22nd: 1pm - 3pm
Please let me know if you are having any difficulties accessing the plans and worksheets as I am happy to post them out to you.
Have a great week and keep in touch.,
Mrs Carey xxx
Online Learning – w/c Monday 11th May 2020
Dear Class 2,
Hope you’ve all had a great weekend.
Thank you again for all the great photos you have been sending in. I love seeing all your beautiful, smiley faces and catching up with all the great things you have been doing. The new slide show will be up on the class 2 page tomorrow.
The link to the plans for this week’s lessons and activities is below. Don’t forget the extra spelling plans on there now. These are the same as the spelling for this weeks’ assignments on Spelling Shed. There are also new Maths assignments on Maths Shed. This week the focus is subtraction. So start with the subtraction within 10, then move onto subtraction within 20 then within 100. Good luck everyone.
I hope you all enjoyed last week’s message. I plan to record more for you soon so keep your eyes open.
As usual, I will check my messages and the Class 2 blog regularly during the week. I plan to be 'live' at my computer at the following times:
Monday 11th: I am in school all day so will check in regularly
Wednesday 13th: 11am - 1pm
Friday 15th: 1pm - 3pm
Please let me know if you are having any difficulties accessing the plans and worksheets.
Keep smiling everyone,
Love, Mrs Carey xxx
Online Learning – w/c Monday 4th May 2020
Dear Class 2,
Happy Monday! Hope you’ve all had a fun weekend.
The new slide show of photos can be seen below. Please keep sending me your photos, it’s so lovely to hear from you and see what you have been up to.
The link to the plans for this week’s lessons and activities is below. This week I have included a 'Spelling' section on the planning. This lists the spellings which I have set for this week and includes suggestions for alternative ways to practice those spellings. These are the same word lists that I have put on this week’s spelling assignments on Spelling Shed. There are also new Maths assignments on Maths Shed.
I have recorded a short message for you all which you can watch below. I have also recorded me reading the book 'Worm, Slug, Maggot and Leech' which relates to this week’s English plans. Click on the link to the Video Resource Centre below and you will find the film in Year Two. I hope you enjoy it.
As usual, I will be checking my messages and the Class 2 blog regularly during the week. I plan to be 'live' at my computer at the following times:
Monday 4th: 12am - 2pm
Tuesday 5th: 11am - 1pm
Thursday 7th: 11am - 1pm
Please let me know if you are having any difficulties accessing the plans and worksheets.
Love, Mrs Carey xxx
Dear Class 2
Hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I am so grateful to everyone who has been keeping in touch with me and sharing photos of your work and all the fun things you have been getting up to. I will be putting up another slide-show of photos later, I hope you all enjoy seeing them.
The link to the plans for this weeks lessons and activities is below. I will be adding some new assignments to EdShed later too.
I will check my messages regularly through the week, and plan to be 'live' at my computer at the following times:
Monday 27th: 12am - 2pm
Tuesday 28th: 11am - 1pm
Friday 1st May: 11am - 1pm
Please email, or leave a message on the class 2 blog if you have any questions, or just want a chat.
Love Mrs Carey xx
Online Learning - w/c Monday 20th April 2020
Dear Class 2
Thank you to everyone who has been keeping in touch and sharing pictures of you, your work and all the fun things you have been doing. If you look further down this page, you will see a slide-show of many of the photos I have received so far. It is great to see so many of your smily faces, I am really missing you all.
If you head over to the Class 2 blog, you will see that I have set up a post for you to share the 'Favourite Food' poems you wrote after reading Michael Rosen's poem Chocolate Cake. There are a few up there already. They are amazing and worth reading. I would love to see the rest of them, so please either add them to that blog post, or email them to me.
Below you will find the link to this week's plans. There are plenty of assignments on EdShed to keep you busy and help build up the class 2 score. There are also lots of fun activities on Espresso.
I will check my messages regularly, and plan to be 'live' at my computer at the following times:
Tuesday: 11am-1pm
Wednesday: 11am-1pm
Friday: 1pm-3pm
Please email, or leave a message on the class 2 blog if you have any questions, or just want a chat.
Love Mrs Carey xxx
Online learning - w/c Tuesday 14th April 2020
Dear Class 2,
I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter break and made the most of all this beautiful weather.
It’s the start of a new term and I hope you are all looking forward to getting stuck into some home-learning. Many of you have been carrying on with games on EdShed, so if you haven’t tried already, get playing. I put some new spelling and maths challenges up yesterday so there is plenty to keep you busy. We need to get working on our class scores.
Below you should find a link to this week’s lesson plans for English, Maths, Science and a couple of extra challenges. There are links to the Spelling Shed and Maths Shed assignments.
It is up to you when you choose to do your work, but don’t hurry to get it all done at once. You don’t need to print anything, but where possible I have included example worksheets to help guide you through the work.
If you have any questions, or want to chat you can contact me on the blog, or email me.
This week I will be available online at the following times:
Tuesday: 11am – 1pm
Wednesday: 10am – 12am
Friday: 11am – 1pm
Mrs Carey xxx
Below you will find links to a letter from me and the learning tasks for this week.
I will be available to chat on the blog on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10-12.
Mrs C xx
Friday 20th March
Click the link below to read the latest school newsletter. This details the changes in school provision and has been added to our Coronavirus information page. Please read this letter carefully as it contains important information about the coming weeks.
Resource packs have been sent home this evening. These include log in details for online access to games and blogs etc. If your child has been away from school these have been posted to you.
On Monday I will add some home learning to the class page. I plan to be available to answer questions and communicate with parents and children via the class blog on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 10 - 12 am.
We will no longer be able to answer any queries on Facebook or personal email. If you need to contact me directly then please use either the class 2 blog or privately on my class email:
Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.
Mrs C xx
February 2020
We all really enjoyed making pancakes with Jo, although the best part was choosing our toppings and then eating them.