


Tuesday 22nd October.


We currently have a vacancies for parent trustees and would welcome any interest from parents or carers who have children who are currently on our school roll.


If you think you may be interested please download the following letter and nomination form.


The nomination form can be returned confidentially, either physically to our school office, or by email to: .


The deadline for application is Twelve Noon on Friday 8th November.

Overall responsibility for Bradworthy Primary Academy rest with our Members:


Barry Radford

Sarah Huxtable
Jonny Furse


Our Board of Trustees supports and oversees the work of our academy so that the best possible development of all of our children. in the widest sense, is ensured. They provide a key role in ensuring our Ethos is properly implemented, in ensuring that our curriculum, and extend curriculum, are both effective and appropriate, and in ensuring that standards remain both aspirational and high.

Our Board of Trustees ensures that all members of our school community are safe and happy, and takes an important strategic role in ensuring the development of all aspects of our academy, including our environment, policies and practices.


If you would like to contact one of our Members or Trustees please feel free to do so by contacting Sarah in our school office.


Sarah Bryant

Clerk to the Governing Body


Barry Radford

Chair, Co-opted Governor


Jonny FurseVice-Chair, Co-opted Governor
Kieron McCaberryBuildings, Co-opted Governor
Richard StephensonHeadteacher
Becki TurnerStaff Governor
Jo HollowayStaff Governor
Julia FosterLEA Appointed Governor
Kate CleaveParent Governor (Safeguarding and SEND)
Steve MoyseParent Governor
 Parent Governor


In addition to our Board of Trustees we maintain the following sub-committees:


Audit and Risk Committee

Barry Radford
Sarah Huxtable
Richard Stephenson
Sarah Bryant


First Committee


Barry Radford
Steve Moyse
Richard Stephenson


Second Committee (Appeals Committee)


Jonny Furse
Dr Julia Foster
Sarah Huxtable

