On Thursday March 29th Bradworthy Primary Academy was launched into Space.
For the event the hall had been converted into a spaceship with the aid of miles of plastic sheeting and decorated with pictures of spacemen. It was filled with a collection of amazing robots that the pupils had built with just a little help from mums, dads and grandparents. There were metal robots, cardboard robots and plastic robots. They had all been built from junk materials but you would be forgiven for thinking they had been built in a galactic supplies factory. Some had flashing lights, some had whirling coloured windmills and several were remote controlled.
The children had learned and written several songs for the occasion which had been filmed and were shown as part of the exhibition. They all took part in a performance of ‘The Urban Spaceman’, a song made popular in the 1960s by The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band. The singing was accompanied by ukuleles and kazoos while film was shown of the Urban Spaceman’s day at school.
On Thursday evening, after a delightful concert by the school brass band and choir, drinks and snacks were served in the ‘spaceship’. The children had spent the previous week preparing such delights cheesey suns, moon and star shortbread, galactic spirals and sausage asteroids. All the snacks were served by pupils dressed as spacemen and boffins. A cosmic time was had by all