Bradworthy Arts Festival
In early May we were very pleased to be able to take part in the fabulous Bradworthy Arts Festival. The school hosted an exhibition based on individual and class art projects inspired by the ‘Unity’ theme for the festival. Over the two days we saw many visitors in school, enjoying the children’s fantastic art creations and marvelling at the unique and creative approaches that the children demonstrated.
In addition to the wonderful exhibition of the children’s art work, our pupils were also invited to perform in the musical venue on the village square. Our rock band, ukulele group and choir were able to perform for an hour to an enormous audience, performing as always with confidence while demonstrating fantastic levels of talent and enthusiasm.
We would like to thank the organisers of the Bradworthy Arts Festival for helping us to participate in the event. We always enjoy the opportunity to show off the children’s accomplishments, in this case both musical and artistic!