As you might have noticed when you logged on to this web-sie Bradworthy Community Primary School is no-more because on Tuesday 1st March we converted in to an Academy in the amzing timescale of only six weeks.
I know that this sounds a bit scary but please Don’t Panic.
Now that we are an academy we are not suddenly going to become a different beast – the things that we think are important and that we have always worked so hard to achieve haven’t changed and nor has the way in which we are going to run the school / I mean academy!
What we are going to do is use the opportunities that our conversion will present to try and work even harder and to achieve the best that we can for the children.
I know that by working together as a team our children, staff, parents and governors are going to make this whole project an incredibly positive experience for everyone …..
….. and in any event the extra money that the school is now going to get will be nice !!!
Our governors and I have had a lot of conversations with parents during the recent consultation process and it was great that so many of them were interested and so positive about what we are trying to do.
I probably don’t say often enough how grateful we all are, in school, to all of our parents for their support for the school, and our children and staff and I know that we are going to continue to work together in the future to make Bradworthy Academy the best place that it can possibly be.
I'm sure that we will hve interesting times ahead !!