

Dartmoor Challenge - Winter 2022

Our Dartmoor Challenge got underway last week when we took our first group onto the moor for their first training walk as we start to build up to our three day challenge in the Summer.


The final event might be in the summer, however it has to be said that our February weather wasn't in any way "summery" last Friday.

We were very disappointed that there wasn't any lying snow (especially because the forecast said there was going to be a heavy fall on Yes Tor overnight), however it was certainly very cold.

We needed every layer we had as the "wind chill" took temperatures well below zero !!!


The upside was that we moved really quickly and completed our ten mile walk nearly an hour faster than we had planned.


Our next group will be out next week and then we're going to start "uping" the distances and heading for some more challenging terrain. 


Thanks to Mark Harris who took these photos.
