Morning Everyone.
What a quiet night we’ve had!!!
Happy Birthday Sam!!!
We’ve had a great morning which involved The Tate Modern, a tour of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre and an acting workshop.
We’ve just stopped for lunch.
Having briefly stopped by The Golden Hind, which was built in North Devon, we had a terrifying afternoon learning about the terrible history of London Bridge - and being chased by zombies!!!
We’re back at the hostel and after tea we’re off to the theatre for an equally terrifying evening when we’ll find out what happens at the end of The Woman in Black - which we’ve been studying in school.
We found a singer with a microphone in Covent Garden on the way to the theatre.
She led around 200 people in a rendition of Happy Birthday.
Luck old Sam!!!
We’re back at the hostel after a brilliant night out and we’re having an early night (which means 11.30pm rather than midnight) ahead of an action packed day at Thorpe Park.