

Student Parliament

We have just started a new project in school which has involved the election of a Student Parliament.

It is this groups job to work to make the school a better place for all of the children and they have been given a £500 budget in order to do this.

The election was a very close affair with votes being cast by children across the school and the following “seats” in our Parliament being awarded to the House Teams:

Robins - 11 seats
Puffins - 10 seats
Magpies - 9 seats
Herons - 9 seats

This all means that Robins got the most votes but there is no overall winner which will force the children to work together. What gets grandly called a Coalition.

This week was a big occasion because our Parliament met for the first time to discuss things like new playground equipment, clubs, new books for the library, board games to play with during breaks and of course the development of the outside area.

They’ve certainly given themselves plenty to think about and do in the next few months.

If you want to find out more go to "About" on the menu bar at the top of this page and click "Student Parliament".
