

Christmas Lights

On Friday 7th December, we were very excited to be invited to support the official turning on of the village Christmas lights.  We all walked down to the square where we were able to sing a wide range of Christmas songs around the tree.  We were then able to watch the village light up, which was wonderful to see.  After this our pupils from Years Five and Six were incredibly lucky, and were able to sing a rendition of Silent Night with Mr Barry Parsons, the County Councillor for our parish.  This was a wonderful experience for all of the children, and it certainly helped to give the festivities the Christmas mood.


We would like to thank everyone who was involved with the Christmas lights in and around the village, for inviting us to perform and share our music with the community.  We would also like to thank Mr Parsons for his endless enthusiasm and support, and for involving the children in such a memorable performance.
