

London 2013

Day Five.

The perfect way to end an amazing week in London was a visit to Thorpe Park on the way home.
Amongst other things we got soaking wet on the Tidal wave, were terrified by Saw, and hurtled from 0 to 80 mph to a height of over 200 feet on Stealth.
The only thing that stopped us was the closing of the park.

We were even back ten minutes early at 11.50pm.

I've got to say how incredibly proud of all of the children w all were.
London is a challenging environment at the best of times - let alone in a Heat Wave !

The children were amazing.
There energy levels were incredible and it was amazing to see the way that they threw themselves in to everything that we did - even later in the week when everyone must have been tired.
The children's behaviour was quite simply outstanding and they were an absolute pleasure to be away with.
It made us all feel incredibly proud to be away with such a motivated, mature and independent group and from all of the comments that we received during the week it is certain that they made a real impact.

I'd like to share these comments from an e-mail from the Youth Hostel's manager with you :

"The group have just left this morning and I think they will be pretty exhausted by the time they get home! They had action packed days and with the heat that we have been having they have done very well.
I wanted to also let you know how polite they all were, the staff commented about this numerous times, they were a delight to have stay with us.
I hope that the group arrive home safely and that you all have a lovely summer break."
