It’s very nearly midnight and we’ve just got back to the hostel after a very long day out and about.
Everyone is safe and well.
The children have been brilliant and as you can imagine they are pretty tired.
I suspect they’ll all be asleep very quickly - I certainly hope so !!!
River Trip.
We’re still keeping busy.
We’ve had a great afternoon at the Tower - Crown Jewels and everything else too.
We’re now waiting for a river boat which will take us on the first keg of our journey to ten- pin-bowling and tea.
Everyone is having a brilliant time.
We’ve rushed across London and we’re just about to go into the Tower.
How can it be lunchtime already?
We’ve reached the Natural History Museum and we’re obviously doing the dinosaurs first.
… and now we’re on the move !
We’ve had a very quiet night which is good.
Here we are at breakfast - full of energy and ready for an action packed day !!!