

London Residential - Day Four

It’s nearly eleven o’clock and everyone is safely tucked up in bed after a very busy and exciting day!   We started off at the Tower of London, where the boys were thrilled by the tales of execution, escape and torture (and the girls were repulsed - well mostly !!).

After exploring the exhibits in the White Tower we enjoyed the chance to study the Crown Jewels which we decided not to steal after hearing what happened to the first person who tried.

After a very busy morning we headed to St Pauls Cathedral where we were lucky enough to have an ‘access all areas’ tour before climbing the many, many steps up to the top of the domes!

The Whispering Gallery really did work !!

After this we had a very hot trip on the Underground and a leisurely walk through Green Park, enjoyed a refreshing ice cream, and then stopped outside of Buckingham Palace.  The Queen was in, but she didn’t ask us in for tea – much to the children’s dismay and the staff’s surprise !!

Bowling was brilliant and for the first time in about five years Miss Daniel didn’t win – everyone was devastated for her !!
