

MacMillan 2015

On Friday 23rd October 2015, Teena, Leanne and Year Six organised a MacMillan coffee morning in the hall to raise Money for Cancer Research. There was also a non-school uniform day for the other classes and Year 6.

There was a stall for Cakes [organised by Maisie and Maya] and a separate stall for coffee. The Cakes were 20p and the Adults were asked to pay a donation so they could have a coffee.

The classes had two chances to come round and choose a cake to buy; the adults also were allowed to buy a cake too. Lots of people from various classes had made some cakes and dropped them in the hall so we could sell them and so we are really grateful to all the people who did bring in some cakes for us to sell, Thank you!

To wear your own clothes for the non-school uniform you had to bring in £1, then you could wear what you wanted.

I think everyone enjoyed it, the adults too!

All together we raised £241.31p.

By Maisie, Year 6
