

North Wales 2016

Sorry it's taken so long to get the photos from Day Five of our North Wales trip on-line. As the parents of the children on the trip know we didn't get back until 1.00am on Saturday morning and in the "excitement" of getting back so late I managed to misplace my camera - clearly I've found it now !

As you can see we had a brilliant last day at Alton Towers.

It was a real pleasure to be away with this group of Year Five children and a wonderful experience to see them rise to the challenges that they faced on this trip. Speaking for myself I had a wonderful time and if the children take their attitude to the things they did on this trip with them into Year Six, as I'm sure they will, I know that we'll have a brilliant year together.

I'd like to thank Lisa, Maurice, Helen, Caroline and Teena for their help and support throughout the week. Our North Wales residential wouldn't have been possible without them and I know that everyone appreciates everything that they did enormously.  
