Sports Day was great.
Everyone had a brilliant time in the sunshine, did their very best and over the course of the day over 100 parents came to support us.
For the firs time in a few years the day was won by Magpies with Robins coming a very close second.
Going into the final event which was the 100m sprint there was only seven point in it and as we were giving 20 points for first place this counts as close !
The Day started at 9.30pm with the finals of the hockey, dogeball, tennis and cricket team competitions.
We also ran a Key Stage 1 football competition before our younger children took part in some traditional sports day races - things like the sack race and egg and spoon.
All of the older children came out to support them and to cheer and the atmosphere was amazing.
In the afternoon the children in Key Stage 2 took part in our own version of the Olympic Games !
Our events included sprints (50m, 60m hurdles, 100m and 200m), longer races (400m, 800m ad 1 Km Walk), relay races (4x50m and 4x200m), throws (shot put, discuss and javelin) and jumps (long jump and high jump) so there was something for everyone to take part in.
We built a podium on the field so that everyone could cheer the children who finished 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each event, but the best thing was that everyone had a really good go and had a lot of fun.