

Sports Relief 2014

As we all know Bradworthy primary Academy have always supported charities by holding weird and wacky fundraisers, and on Friday 21st March the children (and teachers!) celebrated Sports Relief. All the children took part in this wonderful event. Each brought in either £1 or £2. To find out more about this awesome fundraiser read on.

The first event of the day was the Mad Mile, in which all the children walked, ran, galloped, scooted, rode or sat in wheel barrows around Bradworthy. Some children did half a mile while most of the children went the whole way.

When they were doing this people in the street saw them and gave even more money.

After a break everyone got into groups of around six and played water balloon netball with the teachers. Everyone got wet, including the people who weren’t playing (naughty Mr Lewis!). It was quite unfair because the children were against taller, more experienced people, and it didn’t help that Sir always made the game start with a toss up!

Sadly the teachers won every time, but at least we had fun.

After all that Sports Relief was over (but our day of wearing non-school uniform wasn’t!) and in total we raised about £260.

Sports Relief was a great day and I’m sure it helped lots of people who need it.

Phoebe (Year Six)
