

The Strange Case of Shirley Holmes and the Zombie Apocalypse

What an Amazing Week !!!


Year Six, and the rest of Key Stage 2, have been working incredibly hard, and with incredible levels of motivation, for the last month; we've also been in isolation for three weeks to try and make sure that covid didn't stop us performing .....


..... and we made it !!!


Three exceptional performances to audiences, which we limited to 120 per show, provided an experience that our children will remember forever.


We don't have the words to say how proud we are of all of our children.

The children's attitude and desire to put on the best production possible has been truly inspiring and something that we are privilaged to have been a part of.


This has been an amazing team effort with every child in Key Stage 2, and every member of staff, pulling together to put on our show.


We are intending to put a video of the show on YouTube over the Christmas break so that we can all enjoy the experience again.


Thank you to Mark Harris who took all of these photos.
