

World Cup Final

This year we had our first rugby World Cup in school with all of Key Stage 2 taking part in twenty teams.

The final match was Australia v. Argentina.

At half time Argentina was winning 6 – 2and most people thought that they were going to win the match. By the end of the match the score was 12 – 12 so we continued playing for an extra five minutes.

The final move went from Ruby to Adam. Adam sprinted up the line with Joe gaining on him, reaching for his tag. As Adam put the ball down Joe grabbed his tag. The game had ended but was the try given ?

Everyone went into the school hall for an assembly to see if Australia had won or if it was a draw. There was silence. Then Sir shouted Australia Won !!!

Loads of teams had entered but only won could win and it was Australia !

We played our World Cup just like the real one and everyone had a great time.

We’re looking forward to playing some matches against other school next term and to playing in tournaments in the summer.

By Marlo (Year 6)
