It's the end of the trip and everyone is safely home! We finished our residential with a fabulous day at Crealy, and everyone was certainly tired out by the time we left. As you can see from the photos we had a great day exploring the reptile house, being daredevils on the rides, getting soaking on the water rides, and wearing ourselves out in the play area!
Now that we are back I would like to say how very proud I am of all of the children who were on the trip. Their attitude towards everything that we have done has been amazing, and we have received no end of comments from people we have met about their behaviour. They have certainly made all of the adults feel incredibly proud of them, and they should be pleased with themselves!
As always with these residentials there are many people to thank. Special thanks must go to Mrs Brown, Mr Moulton and Mr Lewis for all of their hard work over the last three days. Also, thanks to Mrs Carey who came with us to the Eden Project on Wednesday - Mrs C, if we could have snuck you into our suitcases we would have!!
Final thanks go to the children though, without you guys and your sense of fun and adventure we wouldn't have had such a good time! Now go and have a restful weekend!!!