It's the end of the trip, and Miss D has finally found a stable internet connection!
We have had a phenomenal few days away, and the children have been an absolute delight to spend time with. In each place that we have visited, people have stopped us and complimented the behaviour and attitude of the children, and they have impressed the other guests at the hostel with the way that they have managed themselves throughout their first residential.
As always with these trips, there are many people who need thanking for their hard work and time, especially Angela Davies, Val Brown, Ian Sampson and Paul Moulton. The trip certainly would not have been such a success without their endless effort and enthusiasm! Finally, the biggest thanks must go to the children for throwing themselves into another new experience with such an amazing level of maturity and wonderful behaviour. They have certainly been outstanding ambassadors for the school, and I am incredibly proud of each and every one of them!!
Well done everyone - let's start planning next year's now!!
The National Maritime Musuem Cornwall:
Investigation sessions - gathering ideas for our challenge...