

Year Three Residential

Good Morning Everyone!  We've just settled down for our breakfast after an incredibly quiet nights sleep!  Everyone was soundly asleep by 11:30pm, and there was not a murmur through the night! The teachers even had the pleasure of waking everyone up this morning - and there were lots of sleepy heads!!

As promised below are the photographs from the laser quest last night, we had the most amazing time playing a tournament in teams, and then a full class game as well.   Mrs Turner's team won the tournament (thank goodness), and Caroline's team won the class match!

Today we are looking forward to building boats at the Maritime Museum and and exploring Pendennis Castle - I will endeavour to post pictures during the day - fingers crossed for wifi!!

Thank you all for your lovely messages, keep sending them, and if anyone is having problems feel free to email them to me at and I will add them from an email!  The children love to hear from home, and the messages are certainly making everyone smile!!
