Hello again everyone!
We have had a very busy afternoon and evening and everyone is now safely tucked up in bed recharging before tomorrow’s adventures.
After dinner this evening we ventured to Truro for Ten Pin Bowling. The children were amazing this evening, and threw themselves into the activity whole heartedly. Unfortunately for Mrs Turner this means she was beaten by almost every child in the class, and will be buying the ice creams tomorrow!
We finished our evening celebrating our birthday girl - much to Isabelle’s annoyance!
We will aim to check in tomorrow during the day - signal allowing - and will keep our arrival time updated if it is going to be too much later than 6pm.
See you tomorrow!
Mrs T x
We have finished our adventures at Pendennis Castle, and we are now enjoying some fun at the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth. After exploring the main parts of Pendennis Castle we enjoyed an exploration session where we were able to investigate equipment and clothing which would have been used in the castle in different periods of time. Everyone enjoyed asking and answering questions - and some children clearly enjoyed dressing up!
The children have received endless compliments for their behaviour, manners and amazing enthusiasm, and we are all incredibly proud of them! We have some pictures to upload from the castle, but many more to follow later on!
Mrs T x
We are safely at Pendennis Castle, and enjoying some exploration time before we head to the classroom for some activities.
As you can see it is pretty windy here - we did brush everyone’s hair this morning - promise!!
Hello everyone!
We are wide awake and raring to go this morning! Everyone slept really well, and we had the pleasure of waking up lots of the children this morning!
We have enjoyed a really good breakfast, and will be heading off to Falmouth very soon!
Keep an eye on this page and we will update with photos whenever we can!
Mrs T x