


  • Football at GTS

    Thu 28 Feb 2019

    Our football teams were in action in the run up to half term, entering a tournament at Great Torrington School.  Our A team finished in third place, an impressive feat when playing against so many schools who are much larger than us!  They also only conceded one goal in the entire competition, an excellent achievement.   Our B team had slightly more mixed results, but performed well for their first outing of the year, and demonstrated excellent team work and an incredibly sporting attitude.


    As you can see below, the celebrations were slightly 'bombed' by the largest child in the group!!!

  • Record Breaker!

    Wed 27 Feb 2019

    Over the course of the past term Class Five have been studying multiplication and division .  As part of their maths work the children have been tackling an investigation based on factors and multiples. The UK record for this challenge was a string of 61 numbers, held by a child from London. After a very intense weekend of maths, Oliver has managed to beat the UK Record with a string of 67 numbers. Here he is with his prizes and a message from the people who wrote the investigation. Needless to say, we are all incredibly proud of Oliver and his amazing hard work!

  • Class Three Mosaics

    Mon 25 Feb 2019

    Class 3 have been busy making Roman mosaics. We began by looking at and discussing different types of mosaics and then sketching them in our sketchbooks (which we made!). Next we explored different ways of fixing the tiles. Some ways, like the sellotape, were quite tricky but PVA glue was a bit easier...and messier!


    We then created a range of designs before deciding on our favourite (with help from our friends). Finally, we made our chosen design into a coaster using stone tiles.

    To add the finishing touch, they were then grouted and glazed. It took a lot of focus and teamwork to make sure they were completed in time for the Christmas break.

    Here are Class 3's fantastic, final mosaics!

  • Fun in the Snow!

    Mon 04 Feb 2019

    On Friday 1st February we were blessed with an 'in-school' snow day!  As you can see from the pictures here, everyone who managed to get into school enjoyed a mass snowball fight, snowman building and general fun!  There were certainly lots of rosy faces by the end of the day, and an enormous pile of wellington boots next to the door!!
