


  • Exeter Gym 2014

    Fri 28 Feb 2014
    Our gymnastics teams had another great competition when we went down to Exeter last Sunday for the Devon "Floor and Vault" Championships.

    Our Under Nine Girls finished in second place and our Under Eleven Girls were third.
    Well done to Amelia (Year Four) who finished in second place in the girl's individual competition.

    You can watch her floor routine here.
  • Hockey 2014

    Thu 27 Feb 2014
    We took two teams over to Holsworthy College this weeks to take part in this year's local area Hockey festival.

    All of our children had a great time representing the school and their effort and sporting attitude was a real credit to them all.
    Our A-Team were unbeaten through the whole tournament and were joint winners after a 0 - 0 draw against Halwill School in the final.
    Unfortunately the weather turned really bad and there was no opportunity for extra time or penalties.

    The winning school is meant to qualify for the Devon finals so you'll have to "watch this space" to find out if this is us or not - fingers crossed !
  • Baking Cakes

    Wed 26 Feb 2014
    We've got a fantastic PTA who work really hard for the school.

    They held a "onesies" day last Friday to raise funds for the school and everyone had a great time.

    This wasn't the best bit though.
    The best bit was when loads of parents came in the day before to help us bake cakes to sell.
  • Spiderman

    Tue 25 Feb 2014
    Class One have been doing a topic on Superheroes.
    Everyone was amazed and excited just before half term when we were visited by a "real life" Superhero - Spiderman.
  • Chinese New Year 2014

    Thu 06 Feb 2014

    On Wednesday 29th January, Class 4 were set a challenge to make Chinese dragons. We were doing it to celebrate Chinese New Year and to scare away evil spirits just like the Chinese. We were given a box, a sheet, a lot of news paper and masking tape. Everybody had 3 days to construct a dragon and choreograph a dance.


    First, we started with the head and made shapes with some scrunched up newspaper. We worked in groups and stuck it on with lots of masking tape. We both thought it wasn't looking very good at that point.


    After that, we mixed water with glue before plonking the newspaper into the glue and stuck the gloopy news paper onto the head. We loved doing the paper mache but we ended up getting very messy.


    Next, we drew the Chinese Zodiac on the sheet and painted them red and orange. The Chinese Zodiac follows a twelve year cycle. Marlo from class 4 commented " I enjoyed drawing and painting the animals the most."


    Whist we were doing that, others painted the head. There were green, red, yellow and orange paint.


    Soon, we went down to the Memorial Hall. Everybody had a musical instrument to playand we made an orchestra to dance to. We both thought it was brilliant but it was very loud as well.


    Soon after, we started making up routines. There had to be little movement as we did not have very much space.


    Finally, after three whole days of hard work, we were ready to perform. We brought our own coloured trousers for the dragon costume and sorted ourselves into groups.


    It was great fun performing the dragon dance!!


    We were all amazed at how the dragon turned out and we just about managed to finish it in time for the performance. We were immensely proud of ourselves and the class!


    By Charlotte and Eliza

  • Little Red Hen

    Sat 01 Feb 2014
    The children in Reception went to Bridge Mill recently.
    They have been sharing traditional tales and took part in story telling "The Little Red Hen".
    They met the red hen, red the ducks and sheep, and explored the farm.
    They met the miller who showed them how grain is made in to flour at the water mill.
    Despite the poor weather everyone had a good time.
    The children made bread back at school from the flour they were given.