

Latest News

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  • House Football Tournament

    Thu 19 Nov 2020 Richard

    Our inter-house football tournament is underway and we've been playing the quarter-finals this week.

    Each house has two teams with mixed teams being selected at random so that the competition can be as even as possible. Everyone in Years Three to Six is taking part and we've already had some great matches.


    In our Year Three / Four Bubble the following teams have qualified for the semi-finals and these are the matches that will be taking place next week:


    Herons One v. Magpies One
    Puffins Two v. Robins One


    These are the results of the Year Five / Six Bubble quarter finals which took place this afternoon (Thursday 19th November):


    Herons One  4 - 1  Puffins Two

    Herons Two  2 - 3  Magpies Two

    Magpies One  3 - 0  Robins One

    Robins Two  2 - 3  Puffins One


    The semi-finals will be taking place next week, however we haven't made the semi-final draw yet.


    Check our web-site next week to find out how we got on.


  • Remembrance 2020

    Wed 11 Nov 2020 Richard

    The Whole School would normally go down to the village memorial on Remembrance Day to observe two minutes silence and remember all of the people who have given so much for us in the past.

    COVID-19 meant that we couldn't do this, this November but, as you can see in the photograph, we still marked the occasion in school.


    One of our music teachers, Mr Moulton, played The Last Post on his trumpet and we stood in silence in our "bubbles" for two minutes on the playground.


  • House Cross Country Running Competition

    Wed 11 Nov 2020 Richard

    As you know there are currently no sporting events taking place and this means that we have been unable to compete against other schools this term.

    At this time of year the busiest events usually involve cross country running and it is especially disappointing that nothing is happening because we have such a strong team this year.


    We haven’t been able to go out and about however we have been able to hold an in-school event, which involved the children competing individually and in their house teams.


    Congratulations to Herons who finished first – but only by three points.


    These photos show our individual winners in our Year Three / Four and Year Five / Six Bubbles.  


    Congratulations to the following medal winners (although to be fair they haven’t actually got any medals yet):


    Boys’ Results:

    First Place:                  Adam (Yr 6), Toby (Yr 5), Harlow (Yr 4), Hugo (Yr 3)

    Second Place:              Charlie (Yr 6), Robin (Yr 5), Ashleigh (Yr 4), Seth (Yr3)

    Third Place:                 Louie (Yr 6), Dan (Yr 5), Baxter (Yr 4), Rory (Yr 3)


    Girls’ Results:

    First Place:                  Azalea (Yr 6), May (Yr 5), Isabelle (Yr 4), Olivia (Yr 3)

    Second Place:              Ellie (Yr 6), Sophie N (Yr 5), Amelia (Yr 4), Lola (Yr 3)

    Third Place:                 Ruby (Yr 6), Sophie B (Yr 5), Holly (Yr 4), Holly (Yr 3)


    Well done to everyone who took part.
