

Latest News

You can keep up to date with all of our latest school news on this page..

  • Radio BPA !!!

    Tue 08 Sep 2015

    Our exciting new Radio Station project is up-and-running !!!

    We've installed speakers across the school and our older children are taking the lead; broadcasting breakfast, break, lunch and after-school shows which are featuring our favourite music and thimgs like competitions and jokes.

    In the coming weeks were going to start to introduce thngs like news items, jingles, adverts and interviews, and we're also going to be recording our own music.
    Our first pod-cast won't be far away either !

    As we get more confident we are going to start to involve younger children so that everyone in school can be part of this exciting new development.

  • Save the Children Cake Sale

    Mon 07 Sep 2015
    Well done to Maise, Eden, Freddy and Minnie who held a cake sale in aid of Save the Children during the first week of term.
    They also did a fund raiser in the Memeorial Hall at the weekend and altogether they made over £500.
  • Sparkly Teeth !!!

    Sat 05 Sep 2015
    The children in Class 2 had a visit from dental nurse Gemma this week. We learnt how to clean our teeth properly, for 2 minutes twice a day. She talked about food that was healthy for our teeth and food that could damage them. Each child was given a new toothbrush and toothpaste, so expect to see extra sparkly white teeth from now on.